THE TEXAS GILLIATS I received a large amount of material from Mac Gilliat containing data on his branch of the family, including some very old, priceless photographs. It leaves one in a quandary as to how to record them. I have tried to piece it together knowing that this leaves out a lot of small details that others may find of interest. So here is the story of the Texas Gilliats and attached are most of the original biographies etc. Much of the story is taken from the writing of Elizabeth Gilliat (Harriet Elizabeth Sandidge). There will be found some duplication but better that, than to leave out what was often the perspective of the writers. I hope this does not disappoint anyone. It is somewhat speculation but I believe John Gilliat was the first of William and Elizabeth's sons to cross the Atlantic to seek a new life in the Americas. His brother Thomas was either with him or made the crossing a short while later. Thomas was to be the first to make a permanent home in the fledgling United States of America. In the years and generations that followed there seems to have been an attraction to many of the Gilliat family to make their homes in the Americas. It is clear that for two or three generations following William and Elizabeth that the family as a whole was living in financial good times. Many recorded their occupation as 'Gentlemen' a term that covered a wide area of activities and non activity. The bottom line was, that should they choose, they had the funds to live without working and were independent. There was a great deal of difference in life style between the 'Colonies' and the 'Old Country'. There was something about the new easy style of living, and social freedoms found in the Americas that was easy to get used to and somewhat of a relief from the stiff formalities and taboos in the English society. This created an attraction to many of the family over the years to seek for a better life across the seas. Thomas was the first to make his home in Richmond, Virginia. There is no doubt that he and his brother John had seen the wondrous opportunities in Virginia for someone who had some capital and even a little business acumen. It seems they prospered from the start. Thomas married young Mary Scott who it was said was the niece of John Scott the Earl of Clonnell and Chief Justice of Ireland. Thomas and Mary were to have one surviving son, Alfred Gallego Gilliat (1800-1859). Although everything is relative to the times and place, their residence was one of the finest in Richmond, they associated with many of the most influential people of the day and they walked in the best of society circles. Thomas's holdings in Richmond and Virginia were extensive, as can be seen from what records survived the civil war, but he maintained a low profile probably because he was an 'English Trader', a group that were suspect since the Declaration of Independence. The family believes that Mary Scott was the victim of a tragic accident involving a run a way horse and was killed in 1803. She was buried in the churchyard of St. John's Richmond. Thomas was to marry again to Martha Cowcher and they had a son John Henry Gilliat. Thomas died in 1810 in New York. The circumstances of his death are not known however, the family story suggests he was either just going or returning from a visit to London England. There followed a lengthy period of family unrest and legal fights between Martha and the rest of the family over Thomas's somewhat substantial wealth, and over the guardianship of the children. It is fair to say there was not much love lost between Martha, and Thomas's partner and brother John Gilliat. She took the children and moved to Newport, Rhode Island, which was a trendy place to live for those who had the funds to live the genteel life. For all the bickering and squabbles it appears the two boys seemed to get along fine with the rest of the family. Alfred Gallego traveled to London and it was there he met his cousin Caroline Gilliat, daughter of John, his father's brother and partner. They were married on January 2nd 1827 and chose to take up residence in England. Their son Alfred Gilliat (1830-1898) was born May 14 1830. It was but two years later that Caroline died on April 28 1832. Five years later on July 20 1837 Alfred married a widow, Mary Glazebrook they were to have a daughter Mary Gilliat who was born Dec 15th 1839. Mary was to marry a Henry Fawcett and they had a family of three boys and a girl. Meanwhile young Alfred Gilliat was to grow up in the south of England and married Emma Lett Clowes on February 24 1859. The next year they were to have a son Alfred Gordon Gilliat born November 18 1860 in somewhat tragic circumstance. The doctor attending the birth had come from visiting some other patients who were suffering from and part of an epidemic of Scarlet Fever. This was a very serious and often fatal disease before the use of antibiotics, that many years later almost eliminated the dreaded infection. Emma and the newborn caught the disease and Emma, in her weakened state succumbed to it some six weeks after the birth of her son. The baby Alfred Gordon recovered but both ear drums were punctured, a result of the fever and he was deaf for the rest of his life. Alfred was to marry again on June 17 1862, this time to Anne Taddy Hatfield. Elizabeth Gilliat the daughter of John Gilliat had married an Alexander Hatfield in 1815 and it is assumed there is a relationship between the two families however, we have not yet had the proof of such. Anne Taddy's father was a Charles Taddy Hatfield (1830-1898) and a photograph of him is alongside. Alfred and Anne were to have eight children but very little information has been found on the family. Another photograph has been handed down of three of Alfred Gordon Gilliat's half sisters 'Tony, Katy and Bea' or Emma Caroline, Katherine Jesse and Beatrice Annie. There is an old Yorkshire saying 'It takes two to make it and three to break it'. The saying refers to family fortunes. It takes two generations to make the fortune and often the third will spend it. All though not always the rule it seems that the ebb and flow of Gilliat fortunes often followed the same trend. It is said that Alfred was not the best businessman, with a tendency to follow get rich quick schemes, he was known as a banker, and on his son's birth certificate he registers as a 'fund holder'. The J. K. Gilliat company was a mercantile bank and most likely he was connected to them. He died in 1898 in Dinard France, a coastal resort south of the Channel Islands and frequented by the gentry of the times. Meanwhile young Arthur Gordon Gilliat was given the best treatment of the day, and attended schools for the deaf in France and Belgium where he learned to lip-read and compensate for his loss. At the age of nineteen Arthur Gordon decided that he did not want to be in the banking business he wanted to be a farmer. There was an abundance of programs enticing European to the USA and one of the more popular destinations was Texas. He decided to move to the USA and chose Texas as the place to go. It is believed that he came over with some English friends to the Calder ranch, near Bourne, close to San Antonio. Boerne, in the County of Kendall, was a thriving neat little village of German immigrants situated among large oak trees on the banks of a clear running stream. The last Indian raid in the county took place in 1872 but now the area was considered safe for settlement. The area attracted many English immigrants between the 1870s and 1880's and among these was Alfred Gordon Gilliat. Boerne was situated north of San Antonio, which was an established military base. Boerne was reported to be 'swarming with sick people from around the globe'. There were three hotels, a number of boarding houses and a large consumptive hospital. By 1862 the reputation as being a very healthy environment had been established nation wide. It was considered a health resort and many gave ill health as the reason for moving to Kendall County. The San Antonio area was also a staging area for the cattle drives that herded cattle from the Texas ranching country to the nearest rail, which was in Kansas. The cattle were moved about ten miles a day and the hardy longhorns withstood the grueling drive and if the pace was right often seemed to thrive on the trail and were known to gain weight. San Antonio was part of the feeder system of trails all around Texas that joined together to form what was known as the Chisholm Trail. The trail wound through Oklahoma, which was known as 'The Indian Territory', and then in to Kansas. In the early days the cattle wound up at the stockyards of Abilene and later as Kansas became settled the trail terminated further west at the notorious, rip roaring, Dodge City. Millions of cattle were herded up the trail. It was estimated that three million longhorns passed through Abilene in a period of five years 1867-1872. Thousands of drovers were employed and became known as the cowboys. The towns of Abilene and Dodge City went down in history as probably the most notorious hell raising towns of the 'Wild West'. Alfred Gordon Gilliat hired on as a drover and went up the Chisholm Trail for the first time in 1879. He spent his 'time off' from the cattle drives at Boerne and as any other pioneer turned his hand to any work that was available. He did want to be a rancher or farmer and was anxious to learn the trade. He finally found steady employment at a ranch owned by Baron von Bernstein about five miles from Boerne. He had a room upstairs in the ranch house. One evening the house caught fire and was destroyed. The Von Bernsteins were devastated by their loss and rather than rebuild they decided to return to Germany. Alfred Gordon saw this as his opportunity and offered to buy the ranch. His proposal was accepted and he became the owner of 'Braeside' in the early nineties. Much of the land was treed and Arthur set to work and single-handed grubbed out the trees and broke the land to form what is known as the 'Braeside' or locally as the Gilliat Ranch. He lived for some time in a tent. Although he did receive some money from his father most of his inheritance was from his grandparents the Clowes. Arthur was always an active supporter of the St. Helena's Episcopal Church in Boerne and it was at one of the socials that he met Eliza Mary Steven McDonald. 'Bessie' was born in Scotland in 1871. Her father died and she came to Texas with her mother a sister and two brothers to live with kinfolk. Her elder sister, Mary Agnes, was teaching and it was some years later, by chance they came to Boerne for a holiday and a few weeks rest. In the summer of 1897 Willie and Frank McDonald, Bessie's brothers came to the ranch and helped Alfred build on to the ranch house and on October 12th 1897 Alfred and Bessie were married at St. Helena's church. The Kendall County, near Boerne, Texas is on the 'Edwards Plateau' in the Texas Hill Country. This is an area of rocky hills with broad valleys and much live water. 'Mac Gillia' after a visit to England, stated that he was amazed at the resemblance it bears to the Lincolnshire countryside where the original William Gilliat (1714-1775) was a grazier. Alfred Gordon cleared enough land (378 acres) to become the largest farmer in Kendall County. He was among the first to use a tractor, owned the first combine in the county and had the largest hay barn in the area. He also played a major role in building the town of Boerne. As he received his inheritance from his mother's and father's estates, he bought several old buildings in Boerne and tore them down to build modern buildings in their places. He built rock buildings on the west side of Main Street and a brick building on the east side of Main Street. Eventually he owned nine business sites in central Boerne. Mr. Elmer Watts was the contractor for these buildings and a fine friend. He was Senior Warden of the vestry of St. Helena's Episcopal Church for 16 years. When a beautiful Norman style building replaced the old wooden structure he contributed the limestone blocks off the ranch for the walls of the new church. In the early 1900's, at the ranch, 'Braehead', meaning 'hilltop' or 'head of the hills' he built his home, a 14 room, two-story structure started in 1897 and finished in 1933. On the hill with this house and the hay barn previously mentioned, he built numerous grain bins, implement sheds, stables and other structures needed to run a farm and ranch. He made two trips back to England, one in 1892, and, again in 1904. On one of these trips he came back with a fairly complete family tree in a diary. Their daughter Edith Agnes Gilliat was born October 28th 1898 and their son Alfred McDonald Gilliat was born January 24th 1900 at their parents ranch, which was called 'Braeside', an acknowledgement of the McDonald Scottish heritage. Alfred Gordon Gilliat lived until January 1936 and Bessie Gilliat lived until December 6, 1948. Edith Agnes Gilliat was a person of many interests and activities and much has been said and written of her life committed to the community at large. She married Alfred Gray of Valley Farm at Boerne, the son of George Disney Gray, an immigrant from London, England, on August 10, 1926 in St. Mark's Episcopal Church in San Antonio, Texas. To this union were born twins, Edith Mary (1927-1993) and Elizabeth Anne (1927-) and Alfred Gordon (1930-). Edith Agnes was an accomplished pianist, she played the piano and organ for St. Helena's Episcopal Church, off and on over forty years, beginning at the age of nine. As was her mother, she was an active member and officer of the Women's Auxiliary for that church. Included in her many personal talents, was her prize-winning needlework. She captured prizes each year at the Kendall County fair. She was honored for her work in collecting and recording the historic events of the region and her promotion of a regional library. She died on February 3, 1975, at "Braeside" in Boerne, Texas. She was 76 years old at the time of her death. Alfred McDonald Gilliat started life with health problems which plagued him all of his life. He was a "blue baby" (had rh negative blood) and the doctor who attended the birth told his parents that they would never raise him. He and his sister Edith Agnes, were taught at home for a couple of years and then went to a one room school in the neighborhood. They were then enrolled in Holy Angels Academy in Boerne. Alfred finished his schooling at a high school in San Antonio and returned to the ranch at Boerne where he spent the rest of his life. Alfred McDonald married Harriet Elizabeth Sandidge and to this union were born Alfred McDonald Jr. (1942-) and Mary Elizabeth (1944-). As has been the case with much of the family, service to others and the community was a priority. He was secretary-treasurer of the Kendall County Fair Assn., an organization his parents helped found, for over 20 years. He was secretary of the Kendall County Junior Livestock Show Assn. for over 20 years. He was secretary of the Boerne Shooting Club for over 20 years. He helped found, and until his death, was the only secretary treasurer of the South Texas Fair and Livestock Show Assn. He was a director of the Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Assn. The Fair Assn. and the Shooting Club both sold beer at their events and neither was incorporated. Therefore, it was necessary that he hold a license to sell beer in his own name since unincorporated organizations were not eligible for a license. So, since he was technically responsible if anything went wrong, he attended every function where beer was sold. These included shooting matches once a week plus one Sunday a month, dances at least once a month, and other events. All of this was done as a volunteer and there was no monetary compensation. Alfred "Buddy" Gilliat and one of the neighbors, Ed Whitworth, cooked for most of the big events in and around Kendall County. Various other people helped depending on the size of the event. Standard fare at these events was barbecue (usually lamb or goat but also beef or chicken) pinto beans and potato salad. They did most of this as volunteers and seldom accepted compensation for more than the cost of the food. They did this for 20-25 years about 20 times a year with an average crowd of 150-200 people. He ran the ranch much as his father had, with whatever modern equipment he could afford. He had a hammer mill (feed grinder) and a feed mixer and many in the community brought feed to be ground and mixed. He bought a welder and cutting torch and taught himself to use them. He had a well-equipped shop where he repaired his own equipment as well as that of the neighbors. Alfred Gordon Gilliat had always been a cattle rancher, but son Alfred thought the country better suited to a mixture of livestock species. He ran Rambouillet sheep and angora goats and pastured enough cattle for others to properly stock the ranch. He farmed the 378 acres in field land raising wheat, oats and sudan for both harvest and grazing. He experimented with clovers and other legumes, but found none well enough adapted to the alkaline soils of the Texas Hill Country to survive for any great length of time. One of the neighbors had an import-export livestock business and he supplemented ranch income by hauling animals for this man. Most of what was shipped was bought sight unseen over the telephone. Buddy would drive to the farm or ranch where the stock was located, make the final selection, load it and drive to either New Orleans, La. or Galveston, Texas, crate the animals and see that they were loaded on a ship for export. In the summer of 1932, Harriet Elizabeth Sandidge came to Boerne from Fort Worth, Texas to visit Catherine Elizabeth Moore for whom she had been named. She had just planned to stay for a week or ten days, but Mrs. Moore called Alfred Gilliat and he came by for a visit on his way to his part-time job as a guide at Cascade Caverns. That was the beginning of their romance and when she went home in August. Alfred offered to drive her so that he could ask to marry her. Her mother asked that they wait a year so she could help out at home. They consented and were married on June 11, 1933. They had two children, Alfred McDonald born November l, 1942 and Mary Elizabeth born May 15, 1944. Alfred had life-long health problems beginning with the rh negative blood problems, which he was born with. In 1936 he was bitten on the index finger by a copperhead snake while sawing wood to sell. He nearly died from this. Then he contracted Dengue fever and ran such a high fever that he lost all of his hair. In about 1940, he was filling the Delco with gasoline to run the lights in the house when the gasoline can caught fire and burned him horribly over much of the upper part of his body. High blood pressure and angina were a constant problem, especially in the last 15 years he lived. Through all of this, he never complained and just went about his business as if nothing was wrong. These problems escalated in the winter of 1956-57 and finally on March 10, 1957, he died whilst riding on a tractor, plowing so he could sow some grass seed. He was buried the following day at one of Boerne's largest funerals. Alfred McDonald Gilliat. When 'Mac' graduated from high school, he worked five summers wrangling horses and teaching horsemanship out in New Mexico at Cimmeroncita Boys Ranch with Col. and Mrs. Lockett, and then in the fall he went to Tarlpton College in Stephenville, Texas. He then transferred to A&M University and finished there in 1965. After two years in the service, he came home to wait for his job as an Agricultural Agent. In February he went to Seymour, Texas, as an Assistant County Agent in Baylor County. He was transferred to Leakey in Real County as County Extention Agent in 1973 and retired in 1995. He was awarded an Emeritus designation by the Board of Regents and he holds the status of Emeritus at Texas A&M. He gave many talks and wrote papers on agricultural subjects during his career and some may be found on the Internet. The subjects covered a wide range of range management and animal topics such as wild hogs, use of goats in managing brush. Mac served on the management team of the worlds largest youth horse shows held in Texas every summer. He acted as tabulator and judged in quite a few horse shows. Mary Gilliat graduated from Boerne High School in 1962. She went to Texas Women's University in Denton, Texas, and took Fashions and Merchandising, etc. She went to work in Dallas in the spring of 1967 and was married to James E. Bridges in the summer. She and James have three children, Jim, 15 years, David, almost 8 years, and Elizabeth Anne (Sissy) 6 years old the dearest grandchildren ever. They live in Texas, James' hometown. THE DESCENDENTS OF ALFRED GORDON GILLIAT There have only been three male heirs in line to the Alfred Gordon Gilliat name however the ladies have extended the line considerably starting with a marriage into another pioneer family the Grays. The following is a collection of biographies and tributes to these families and their descendents as written by family members or as reported by friends. They have been taken from County and Church histories, newspaper reports and other such media. I have not tried to edit or change the writings as this can often alter the feeling of character one receives from reading the original writing. Edith Agnes Gilliat the daughter of Alfred and Eliza McDonald Gilliat married Alfred Gray who was the son of another British family that had moved to Texas and eventually chose the Bourne area to make a new home. They had three children, Edith Mary and Elizabeth Anne, who were twins, and a son, Alfred Gordon Gray. EDITH AGNES (GILLIAT) GRAY Edith Agnes Gray, nee Gilliat, was a person of many interests and activities. Never idle, after her three children were reared, she directed all of her time and energy to the community. Her library, the Edith A. Gray Library, the first one in Boerne, private, but open to public use, was, perhaps, her greatest work. Developed by her from the 1940's, until her death in 1975, it is in many ways, unique. Much of the credit for its character must go to residents of the Boerne area and her friends, who contributed large amounts of materials for her to use. With very little money at her disposal, it was her frugal sense of making beneficial use of cast-off items, however, that was the essential basis for this depository of information. It was, in fact, a forerunner of recycling. But its seeds were planted one hundred years before her death. In 1865, Elizabeth Urquhart Ritchie, the daughter of a medical doctor, of Banffshire, Scotland, married James McDonald. One of the early purchases of this family was The Popular Encyclopedia, published in 1873 in Glasgow. James was a pharmacist. He weighed about 300 pounds and died of a heart attack in the late 1870's. With the Clearances of the Scottish clans by England, there was no method of support for widows and children in Scotland. Dr. William Kingsbury had been hired by railroad companies in Texas to promote the sale of land, set aside for the building of railroads. In response to his promotional material, Elizabeth McDonald brought her four children to Texas in 1881. They brought with them their collection of books and music. Upon arrival in China Grove on the east side of San Antonio, the family tried to set up a dairy. Having no experience in the business, they nearly starved to death. The oldest child, Mary Agnes, was 16.years of age. She had been educated in Scotland. Mary Agnes became the financial support for the family. She hired out as a tutor and lived in the homes of the children she taught. Later, she studied to get a teaching certificate. She married in 1908. In three years her husband, Thomas Cochrane, and her son were dead. Once again, she became the main support for her mother, and, in time, her younger brother, who had Bright's Disease.She taught full time for the San Antonio School District and eventually was appointed as Principal for the Smith Elementary School on the east side of San Antonio. Mary Agnes, called "Dolly" because of her size, was intensely interested in literature and history; in fact, all kinds of information, which she collected. She regularly subscribed to such magazines as, the Illustrated London News, the National Geographic, the Girl's Own Annual and a magazine named Peare's. She also read and collected a large number of biographical books. Her practice was to take out of the magazines the information she wanted, and to bind it into books, which she covered with linen and illustrated with pictures and ink pen sketches. She belonged to the Shakespeare Society, among other organizations, in San Antonio. About 1930, upon her retirement, she moved to her home, "Braeside," in Boerne to be near her sister, Eliza Mary "Bessie" Gilliat, where she died in 1940. She left her house on North Main Street to her great-nieces, Edith Mary and Elizabeth Anne Gray, daughters of Edith A. Gray. Slowly the information in the Gray family library was incorporated into Mrs. Cochrane's collection. Edith Gray did not believe in idle hands. With twenty or more years of the National Geographic, in the summers during World War II, she directed her three children in the binding of the whole magazines into books, which were then covered with beige or cream colored fabric. A menber of the Boerne Reading Club since 1923, its second year of existence, Edith regularly wrote papers and participated in programs for that organization. Her mother, Eliza Mary Gilliat, also was accepted as a member at the same time. Later, in 1936, her aunt, Mary Agnes Cochrane, also had become a member, followed by Harriet Elizabeth Sandidge Gilliat, Mrs. Gray's sister-in-law.. Members of the Reading Club regularly used the Library for material for their programs. In 1949, when the prime movers of Boerne decided to celebrate that year as a Boerne Centennial, Edith was appointed as historian. Her husband, Alfred "Al" Gray, and her son, also Alfred, but known as "Red," drove her all over the county, and beyond, to gather history of the area. She collected so much material and the organization's resources were such that they were unable to publish more than a brief four-page pamphlet. This was the beginning of the Edith A. Gray Library, as such. The collection of material, at first, just historical, continued for her. It was a consuming pastime for her when her husband died in 1957. Gradually she expanded her coverage until almost all subject areas were included in the Library. Instead of throwing material away, many, many people gave their magazines, books and other information to her. She became a clipper of magazines. The most unique feature of the Library was the collection of scrapbooks, as she called them. She methodically went through each periodical, removing the articles she considered valuable. She then indexed each one into her extensive card file, before placing the material in its appropriate scrapbook. In the process she taught herself to type on a small portable typewriter. The scrapbook cover was a sheet of heavy paper, cut to size and punched for two brads. New material was added in the back. After her husband's death, the master bedroom, about 14 x 16 feet, was turned into the main Library facility. The walls were lined with built-in bookshelves from the floor almost to the ten-foot ceiling. Later, she had built two freestanding, double-faced parallel bookshelves in the middle of the room for the storage of additional scrapbooks. The top of one served as her worktable, where she stood, day after day, to work with the periodical information. Bound books gradually found their way into other rooms of the house. Only the bathrooms, kitchen, and utility room were exempted. She, then, enclosed the front porch to hold more bookcases. As each of the young relatives grew, he or she spent time working with my mother in the Library. Her brother's son, "Mac" Gilliat, tells many stories about his time spent "putting and fetching" for his "Aunt E". Her husband's nephew, Jack Schmid, served his time, when he lived with them, after his parents died. Her granddaughter, Elizabeth "Lissa" Hudson, also put in some hours there. From the beginning, she shared the information she had with any one, who asked, at no cost to them. The Library was used extensively by researchers, by people who belonged to organizations requiring the presentation of papers, and by school children. Many came, asking her to make suggestions of topics they could consider for their papers. For years, it played a primary role in the information presented by many members of the Boerne Reading Club. Sam Woolford regularly used the Library, along with people looking for genealogical material. It is listed by Earnest Fischer as a resource in his book, The Marxists and Utopias of Texas. Mary Offer Girard names the Gray Library in her book on the Offer family. And then on February 3 1975, the clock stopped ticking for the Edith A Gray Library. Edith had developed bronchitis from passive tobacco smoke. She died of a heart attack, following a week with pneumonia due to a viral infection, which then permeated the pericardial membrane of the heart. The inventory of the library materials, lists almost 1800 scrapbooks in sixty book boxes, covering art, biographical material, history, geography, science, music and other topics. In addition, forty-three boxes hold large collections of magazines, such as the National Geographic, Travel, The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, The Illustrated London News, Antiques and Hobbies. And there are 120 boxes holding about 4000 bound volumes, including sets of encyclopedias, history and literature; individual books of biography, religion, non-fiction, psychology and sociology, atlases and maps; and five boxes of Texana, plus fifteen boxes of miscellaneous material. Organizational activities of Edith Gray up to the time of her death included early membership in the Boerne Area Historical Preservation Society and the Kendall County Library System. In other organizations, she was an early and active member of the Kendall County Fair Association, serving as Lady Manager for a number of years. She hosted the organizational meeting of the Kendall County Republican Women in her home in 1970 and served as Chairman of Precinct One for about eight years, until her death. Her service work began early. An accomplished pianist, she played the piano and organ for St. Helena's Episcopal Church off and on over forty years, beginning at the age of nine. As was her mother, she was an active member and officer of the Women's Auxiliary for that church. In the late 1930's, the United States Government set up a program to benefit economically disadvantaged families, offering them the materials if they would make a mattress. Edith Gray was appointed to oversee the project. During World War II, she served as the local Production Chairman for the American Red Cross. Hundreds of items were knitted and sewn for shipment to military centers and overseas to refugees. Locally, a Thrift Shop was set up to help to finance materials. It continued in operation later for the benefit of local residents. Included in her many personal talents, was her prize-winning needlework. She captured prizes each year at the Kendall County fair. During World War II she mended the silk stockings so desired by the ladies and very scarce when silk was needed for parachutes. She was one of the first to buy a buttonhole attachment for her sewing machine, so worked buttonholes for local seamstresses. Never idle, she knitted sweaters, socks and footlets for members of her family and for friends, and made craft items, such as aprons, potholders, tissue package covers, and curler caddies for sale in the Thrift Shop. Edith was born October 23, 1898 to Alfred Gordon Gilliat, an immigrant from London, England, and Eliza Mary Stephen McDonald, an immigrant from Glasgow, Scotland, at "Braehead," the A. G. Gilliat Ranch at Boerne, Texas. She married Alfred Gray of Valley Farm at Boerne, the son of George Disney Gray, an immigrant from London, England, on August 10, 1926 in St. Mark's Episcopal Church in San Antonio, Texas. She died on February 3, 1975, at "Braeside" in Boerne, Texas. OBITUARIES The Boerne Star Kendall County February 6 1976 Mrs. Edith Gray Passes The community was saddened this week by the passing of Mrs. Edith Gilliat Gray, a native of Kendall County and, perhaps, one of the most familiar to Boerne residents. Mrs. Gray was active, in some manner, in nearly every organization and activity in Boerne. She maintained, in her home, one of the most comprehensive private libraries in existence, and made it available to anyone who needed it. She would personally locate the material required, pack it in a box, and loan it for as long as necessary. She also furnished as much information as she knew in addition to the printed material. Hundreds of school children, many members of Boerne's reading clubs, and other organizations have taken advantage of Mrs. Gray's generosity in providing information for their reports. With her fantastic store of information regarding Boerne's historical background, Mrs. Gray was the guiding force in planning the 1949 Centennial celebration. As Boerne grew, so did her participation in community life, and she became a member of The Boerne Reading Club, The Boerne Area Historical Society, The Tri County Library Association, and the Republican Women's Club, to name just a few. She was also an active member of St. Helena's Episcopal Church, and over the years participated in nearly every activity of the church. One of her favorite activities was on the catering committee of the Women of St. Helena's. Another of her favorite organizations was the Kendall County Fair Association for which she and her late husband, Alfred Gray, worked and enjoyed for years. She was also a. faithful and untiring member of the Boerne Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Gray's contributions and their influence on Boerne over the last 50 years is immeasurable. She will be missed by all who knew her, and not soon forgotten. Funeral services were held, Feb. 5 at St. Helena's Episcopal Church with the Rev. George Taylor officiating. Mrs. Gray, who was born on the Gilliat Ranch in Kendall County Oct. 23, 1898, was 76 years old at the time of her death, Feb. 2, at her home in Boerne. She was. predeceased by her husband, Alfred, and brother, Alfred McDonald Gilliat. Her survivors are daughters, Mrs Roland H. (Edith Mary) Caldwell of San Antonio and Mrs James A (Elizabeth Anne) Hudson of Boerne; son, Alfred Gordon Gray of San Antonio; seven grandchildren; nephews, George Gray Majirus, George Marshall Gray, Jackson Paul Schmid, Alfred McDonald Gillia and niece, Mrs James E (Mary Elizabeth) Bridges. Interment was in Boerne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Udo Harz, E. E. Ebner, Earl Dunning, Alfred Herbst, Rueben Kuebel and Daniel A. Schuetz. ________________________________________________ EDITH MARY GRAY CALDWELL Life for me in Kendall County began on April 14, 1927, when I was born, one of twins, to Alfred and Edith (Gllliat) Gray on the Gllliat Ranch. My first memories date back to age 3 when my brother, Alfred Gordon was born, July 18, 1930. By then, my twin, Elizabeth Anne (Hudson), and I had moved with our parents to property south of town, which Daddy had contracted to buy from the Menn Family. Daddy operated Graymead Dairy. This property included the land on which Cascade Caverns is located. At that time the cave was known to residents of the area but had not been developed. Daddy and Bernard Cartwright of Boerne explored the cave in 1930 and determined development could be a profitable venture. Frank Nicholson directed the development, backed financially by E.A. Drake of Montreal, Canada. Operation of the cave has been by continuous lease since opening in 1932. My family still owns the property; the lease to operate is now owned by John Bridges. We started school at Balcones, located on the old San, Antonio Highway where it crosses Balcones Creek. Headmistress at that time was Erna Dinter of Kerrville; our teacher was Eva Rechentin (Blaschke). Every Sunday we visited my grandparents, the George D. Grays. During the earliest of these visits that I remember, the women and girls sat around a quilting frame and visited while finishing a quilt. Other times, we watched my grandmother, Ida Emma (Dutschke), weave rugs on her loom. Later, during the summers, Elizabeth and I spent time at the Gllliat Ranch helping with cooking and serving meals to harvesters. Alfred G. Gilliat, my grandfather, had some of the first mechanized farming equipment in the county. He took the equipment to surrounding farms for harvesting. The Gllliat Family had long been active in St. Helena's Episcopal Church, which my grandfather first served as Lay Reader in the 1890s and later as Junior and Senior Warden. Their two children also were raised to lives of dedication to the church. My mother played the organ for 22 years, during which time Elizabeth and I enjoyed singing in the choir along with our grandmother, Eliza Mary (McDonald). After pursuing higher education at San Antonio Junior College, obtaining Medical Technologist certification at Baptist Memorial Hospital and earning a Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas University, I married Roland H. Caldwell, son of Fred and Ina Caldwell of San Antonio. Fred Caldwell served the FBI as a dedicated Special Agent for 32 years. Following marriage, we lived in Boerne for six months, renting an apartment from my parents in the old Carstanjen House then located on San Antonio Street. Our Children, Anne Haseltine (Shaver) born December 21 1959, James Frederick, born April 28 1962, Richard Alfred, born April 27 1966 and our grandson Christopher Sterling Shaver born January 12 1979 have enjoyed he Fair, Berges Fest and fishing excursions in Boerne. We return frequently to visit relatives and attend special events. Edith G. Caldwell (History of Kendall County) ________________________________________________ The following is a biography of Edith Mary Gray Caldwell, written by Roland H. Caldwell. Please refer to information furnished by Elizabeth Hudson for Edith's life prior to June 8 1951. Edith was married to Roland H Caldwell on June 5 1951. After her marriage she continued to work as a Medical Technologist at the Baptist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. She and Roland lived in a house close to Wood lawn Lake for several months. Then they purchased a small house on Colton Road in San Antonio. They lived there until Roland was transferred to Amarillo, Texas by his employer, Graybar Electric Co. That was in 1955.Edith continued to work in her chosen profession for three or four years. In the meantime she joined the Newcomers Club and the Association of University Women. At that time she also began to work with the Girl Scouts accepting a leadership position with a group of underprivileged girls. In 1957 the young family decided to have a child. In 1959 they adopted a girl child from the Volunteers of America. She was named Anne Haseltine Caldwell. At that time Edith resigned her position and became a stay at home Mom. In April 1962 they adopted a brother for Anne. They named him James Frederick Caldwell. In 1963 Roland was again transferred. This time to Dallas. They lived in an apartment for several months then purchased a home in Richardson, Texas. Anne started to kindergarten and Edith first became involved with the PTA and other volunteer jobs associated with the school system. In April 1966 they received a call from Volunteers of America telling them that another child was available. They decided to accept a third child. He was named Richard Alfred Caldwell. In late 1966 Roland decided to leave Graybar Electric and moved home to San Antonio to go into the Lighting Agency business with his brother in law Al Gray. They went into business in January 1967. Edith renewed her interest in the school system and rejoined the PTA and acted as room Mother for her children at Northwood Elementary School. She had really found her niche. As the children progressed through Middle School and High School Edith moved right along with them. By this time she had also become interested in the Girl Scouts again. For several years she was Cookie Chairman for the district which involved a lot of bookkeeping plus the responsibility of distributing cookies to troops all over the San Antonio Region. She received several awards for her work with the scouts, among them the Daisy Award. Her free time, of which there was not much, was spent with two or three bridge clubs, She was a very good bridge player and enjoyed her association with many good friends. During all this time she continued her activity with the PTA. She was president of every PTA with which she was associated. Even after all of the children graduated from High School, she continued her interest. She was elected to the presidency of the Fifth District which included schools all over south Texas. She later held a State office of the PTA. During this time also became very active in several bond elections and school board campaigns. She even ran for the school board herself. Somehow, with all of this going on she became active in Continuing Education and took a position as president of the Northeast Community Education Advisory Council. She was also vice president of the Northeast Educational Foundation. She was a busy Lady. In October 1992 Roland retired and he and Edith looked forward to travelling. January 1993 Edith started feeling not up to her usual self However, she and Roland accompanied by her sister Elizabeth and her cousin Mac took a trip to England and Scotland. This trip took a lot out of her. When she got back home, she saw a doctor and was informed that she had cancer. After a several month battle with cancer, she died on June 15, 1993. ________________________________________________ Obituaries and news clips NORTH CENTRAL SUN 6-8-94 Awards made in the name Edith Caldwell in honor of her volunteer work. Award named after volunteer who served in NESD programs. The Texas Community Education Association and the Texas Community Education Advisory Council Association established an award in honor of Edith Caldwell, longtime volunteer of North East School District. Caldwell, who died in 1993 after a long battle with cancer, received statewide recognition for work with parent-teacher associations on the local, district and regional levels. She served as PTA president at Northwood Elementary and Garner Middle School where her three children attended From 1983 to 1985, Caldwell served as President of the North East Council of PTAs and in 1§8587, served as president of the Fifth District of Texas PTA. She also served as president of the Northwood Community Education Advisory Council and was a dedicated volunteer at the North East Community Education office. In 1992, she helped stage the Lone Star Salute, a national community service conference held in San Antonio. Caldwell was serving as vice president of the North East Educational Foundation at the time of her death. "She contributed so much to so many organizations that related to children. She was a joy to work with. Everything she said she would do she did and then some," said Molly Pruitt, NESD trustees and president of the North East Educational Foundation. Selected for the first Edith Caldwell Award was Mrs. Jim Howse of Bay City, who was selected as the volunteer most exemplifying Caldwell's "willingness to serve the needs of others, and her understanding, patience, and reliability." Howse was presented the award recently in Austin at the joint spring conference for TCEA and TCEACA. Caldwell is survived by her husband, Roland, and their children and grandchildren. ________________________________________________ From Community Education Star Oct 1993. Edith Caldwell long-time Community Education supporter in North East Independent School District, passed away in June and was buried wearing the Texas Community Education Association star pin. Edith held every position one could have in advisory councils. She was President of TCEACA and North East District wide Advisory Council and Alamo Cluster Advisory Council for two years each, also as Secretary, and was serving as Treasurer of TCEACA when she was diagnosed with liver cancer. During the 1990 NCEA Conference in San Antonio, she recruited and scheduled all of the volunteers. Edith was a solid rock, unwavering in her commitment and when she accepted responsibility for a job to be done, you knew it would be thorough and complete. She was the ultimate volunteer. In her honor, TCEA will create an award for community service. Criteria is to be developed by TCEA and TCEACA. Funds for the awards are from Lone Star Showcase and Salute to Community Education profits. ELIZABETH ANNE GRAY HUDSON Biography of Elizabeth Anne Gray Hudson Near Boerne, Texas, on the Gilliat Ranch, named "Braehead" for the maternal ancestral McDonald home in Scotland, Edith Agnes Gilliat Gray gave birth to twins on April 14 1927. The father was Alfred Gray. Both parents were natives of the Boerne area. The girls were named Edith Mary and Elizabeth Anne. Their mother reported that at an early age, the girls had a language of their own. They would grunt and squeak to each other and then crawl off to a different location or activity. Both grandfathers, Alfred Gordon Gilliat and George Disney Gray, individually, came to Texas from London, England, Gilliat in 1879 and Gray in 1881, to be cowboys, driving cattle north on the Western Trail, and returning to Boerne as part of the English settlement. In 1930, a brother, Alfred Gordon, joined the family. By this time, their father had started a business, named Graymead Dairy. It was located on the property containing Hester's Cave. The cave was considered to have commercial potential and was developed as Cascade Cavern. The family worked and played together in these two businesses. The depression caused the loss of the Dairy. Everyone learned to be frugal. Clothing for the children was made from flour sacks. One company used checked gingham, blue, green, yellow, pink and lavender. The extended family units were alerted to the selected color needed to make two dresses alike. At one point the government arranged to supply the materials for a mattress for needy families. Edith Gray was appointed to direct the activity in Kendall County. Working at the Kendall County Fair Grounds, the family members were required to make their own mattress. The project would take several weeks. Some of the tobacco-chewing women did not want to be seen spitting their tobacco juice. After they had fininshed the project, tin cans used for spittoons were found hidden in various places. The children attended the Balcones School. Enrolled in the twins' first grade class of five students, was another set of twins, Allen and Arron Roeder, along with Sidney Voges. Many of the students in the school were descendants of Carl Adam. It was a closely-knit community. Everyone was included in all activities. The family moved and the children were enrolled in the Boerne County Line Independent School District when the girls were in the fifth grade. From the time of arrival in the Boerne area, the family members were closely involved with the business and activities of St. Helena's Episcopal Church. Alfred Gordon Gilliat recorded in his diary his attendance. Later, he was Senior Warden for about fifteen years. Eliza Mary Stephen (McDonald), his wife, born into an Episcopal clergy family in Scotland, was instrumental in the organizing and continuation of the Woman's Auxiliary. Edith, their daughter, played the organ for more than twenty years, beginning at age nine, and the twins sang in the choir for about ten years. The George Disney Gray family, arriving *in 1896, also affiliated with St. Helena's. Ballroom dancing was a favorite pastime. Migrating to the San Antonio area in 1881, the McDonald family brought with them from Scotland, the music and instructions for the Original Lancers Quadrille and taught it to their friends. It was danced in Boerne in the Kronkosky pavilion. The Ye Days of Yore Dance Club grew out of that group. Visited by San Antomans, the performances spread into that city through the State Association of Texas Pioneers. In 1932 the Pioneer Lancers Club was organized and adopted the Lancers as their theme dance. Locally all of the Gray and Gilliat family members regularly enjoyed ballroom dancing at the Kendall County Fair Grounds, Van Raub, Sisterdale, Kendalia, Upper Balcones and barn dancing at the Gilliat Ranch on the Upper Cibolo when the barns were empty. With the outbreak of World War 11, all of the females in the family were engaged in Red Cross activities, knitting and sewing, and putting together kits for the service men. Edith was appointed Production Chairman. She organized a Thrift Shop to raise money for materials. Alfred managed the Carpenter Shop at Camp Stanley, early, and at Camp Bullis, later. Everyone took First Aid courses and the twins danced and sang in performances for War Bond drives. The War years were intense. The twins graduated from High School in a class of twenty, in 1944. Within a year, the Roeder twins were lost in the Battle of Midway, and Calvin Behr, another classmate, was killed on Normandy Beach. After the War, music teacher, Ruth Holekamp, organized the Boerne Music Club, which produced three or four musicals. The twins and their mother participated with about twenty other singers in the organization. The girls enrolled at San Antonio Junior College to study Medical Technology. The M & S Hospital, with Dr. Herbert Schattenberg of Boerne extraction as Pathologist, hired them to work in the medical laboratory. They saved their money to complete the two-year study needed to receive a Bachelor's Degree in Bacteriology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1951. Mistaken identity caused humorous incidents. Planning to meet at the Library to study together, Elizabeth was delayed in keeping the date. Her fiancee' Jim Hudson arrived on time and spotting the familiar figure, slipped up behind her and kissed her on the back of the neck. It was Edith. They both were taken aback. Another time, the twins were shopping together in San Antonio. Elizabeth rounded a clothing rack and spotting her sister down the aisle, walked up to her to discuss a purchase. The figure was that of herself reflected in a mirror that sheathed a supporting column. The twins were married in a double wedding at St. Helena's Episcopal Church in Boerne, on June 8, 1951. From this point in time their lives took different roads. Edith married Roland Haseltine Caldwell of San Antonio, who worked for Graybar Electric Co., becoming a manager for their company. Elizabeth married James Aubrey Hudson of Austin, who was entering the ministry for the Episcopal Church. They moved to Berkeley, California, where Jim attended the Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Elizabeth worked in the central California State Public Health Bacteriology Laboratory for three years, in the end, doing research into environmental effects upon the motility of spirilla. In Berkeley she participated in the activities of the wives of the seminary students. The Reverend James Hudson was assigned to St. John's Episcopal Church in Columbus, Texas in 1954. While there, Elizabeth wrote the history of St. John's Church for their centennial celebration. Jim served as Curate at St. Alban's in Waco in 1956 and 1957, and St. Andrew's in Amarillo in 195759. Back in south Texas in 1960, he served as Priest at Edna until 1965, and then in Lockhart. Changing his profession in 1969, he taught social studies in the Edgewood School District and then English at the Defense Language Institute at Lackland in San Antonio. With this change, the family moved to Boerne in 1970. In Edna, the couple had adopted a daughter, Elizabeth Harkness (called "Lissa"), in 1961, and a son, James Aubrey, Jr. (nicknamed "Jimmy"), in 1964. Settled in Boerne, Elizabeth secured teacher certification from Incarnate Word College in Special Education with an emphasis in Mental Retardation. Beginning as a teacher of the Homebound for three years, she, later, tested students and initiated the Special Education Resource classroom at Boerne Middle School. Transferred to Boerne High School, she guided the Vocational Adjustment Coordination class for juniors and seniors for two years in Boerne and Comfort, and helped to rewrite the program. Requesting a return to Boerne Middle School, she managed a Self-Contained Classroom for the most Intellectually and Emotionally Challenged students. In 1989, she was assigned the initiation of a classroom at Fabra Elementary School for half a day for the most Intellectually Challenged, and half a day at Boerne High School to assist students in mathematics. For the next two years she picked up her former Middle School Challenged students, who were now in High School. There, she initiated Special Olympics participation, and part-time vocational assignments for her students classified as seniors. In the mid-1970's, Mrs. Hudson initiated, through the teachers' organization, the co-ordination of curriculum by subject, first through the twelfth grades. As a teacher, Elizabeth was elected President of the Boerne Classroom Teachers Association for 1988-89 and 1989-90. She retired in 1992, after twenty-one years of teaching. In March 1991, the Boerne Optimist Club honored her with their Achievement in Education Award "in recognition of dedication to the school children of Boerne .. for outstanding contributions to education." Today she serves as a mentor at Currington Elementary School. The offspring of a Republican family, Elizabeth always voted Republican. She voted first in 1948 and has never missed voting in a national election. While living in California, in 1952, there was much ribbing by fellow workers concerning party loyalty. Jim, from a former Southern Democratic family, had experienced conversion in his parents in the 1940's, so was a loyal Republican. While living in Edna, he became active in politics in the 1964 election, serving as a clerk. Moving on to Lockhart, the couple actively campaigned for Republican candidates in significant races. Lissa was taken out of school to join in a motorcade through south central Texas counties. Jim was elected County Chairman of Caldwell County in 1968. With the move to Boerne his active period ended. Elizabeth's mother, Edith Gray, helped to initiate the Republican Women's organization in Kendall County, serving as a President. She had been elected for several terms as Chairman of Precinct #1 in Boerne. When she died in 1975, Elizabeth was elected to fill her office in 1976. She served two terms and resigned because of other demands. Upon retirement from teaching in 1992, she became very active as a volunteer in the Kendall County Republicans organization, heading up the recruitment of active members and chairing the telephone committee. She initiated the sponsorship of a scholarship for a high school senior and was chairman of the committee for two years. She is active with the Kendall County Republican Women. The Reverend James A. Hudson died in 1983. Elizabeth was instrumental in the organization of St. John's Anglican Church in Boerne in 1984. The building was constructed in 1991 and dedicated in 1992. Elizabeth was a founder of the Genealogical Society of Kendall County in 1981. She was elected to two terms as the second President of the Society for 1984 and 1985. In 1988, and again for 1993 and 1994, she served additional terms as President. In 1992, she became involved in the organizing of the BACC Door Theatre. She developed the list of volunteers and the extensive mailing list. She was elected President from the 1994-95 through the 1996-97 terms, and wrote copy and developed contacts for publicity for the Theatre, for several years. With the welcomed growth of the Theatre and increasing personnel and innovations, she resigned from the Board in 1999, and serves as an evaluator for the organization. Elizabeth Harkness graduated in 1980, and James Jr. in 1982. Both of them received degrees from the University of Texas at San Antonio; Elizabeth, in English and Reading, and James, in Accounting with Magna cum Laude honors. Elizabeth is an instructor in the Northside Independent School District in San Antonio. In night school, she teaches English for the Universidad Anima de Guadalajara on its San Antonio campus. James married Debby San Miguel on September 26, 1987. They have two daughters, Victoria Diane, born in 1989, and Angela Ramona, in 1993. Debby has been elected Justice of the Peace of Precinct #3 for three terms, and James was County Auditor for seven years and has now been County Tax Assessor Collector for two terms. Upon her retirement from teaching, Mrs. Hudson was elected into membership in the Boerne Reading Club. She followed her grandmother, mother, great-aunt and aunt in membership. For the 75th Anniversary of the club in 1997, she helped to locate pictures, records, and current information about 100 of the 136 previous members of the organization. She was elected president of the club for 1997-98. In 2001, Elizabeth was honored by the Boerne Chapter of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas with their Community Builder Award. Both of her grandfathers had been charter members of the local organization, followed by her father, brother and nephew, who have had membership in the local Lodge, and her paternal grandmother who was the first Worthy Matron of the units Eastern Star. Two of the daughters of that family were, in turn, also Worthy Matrons. In retirement, Elizabeth has put together information about the ancient McDonald Clan collected by her great-aunt, Mary Agnes (McDonald) Cochrane, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland. She houses a copy of the genealogical pedigree of the Gilliat family, dating back to 1714, and is researching the Gray and Dutschke families. In early 2001, she is prepared applications for status of the Gray family in the Genealogical Society's First Families of Kendall County project. She continues to work for certification of the Gilliat family. Upon retirement from teaching, Elizabeth was asked by the President of the Boerne Area Historical Preservation Society to write a series of historical "Hill Country Vignettes" (24) to appear in the Hill Country Recorder. She has collected Oral Histories from local residents to file in the Research Room of the Boerne Public Library and was interviewed by the Institute of Texas Cultures for information about her own two immigrant families. For the Society, Mrs. Hudson has served on the Awards Committee for ten years to encourage seventh grade Texas History students in the Boerne schools to inquire, to study, and to collect history of the local area, their families and their own experiences. She has written historical research papers (7) for Boerne Reading Club programs and for presentation to other organizations. Today she is a member of the Cultural and Natural Resources Committee for the Kendall County Advisory Board. Serving on the History Committee for the Boerne Sesquicentennial in 1999, Elizabeth produced the Windows of History events, featuring nine significant historical periods of local history. She edited, and her brother, Alfred Gray, published, Recollections of Boerne and Kendall County, Volume I of information collected by Edith Agnes (Gilliat) Gray, appointed Historian for the Boerne Centennial in 1949. In 1981, she wrote, In One Place, the history of St. Helena's Episcopal Church, for its centennial. Volume II containing family histories is now in production. In 1976, Elizabeth, her brother, Alfred, and their sister, Edith, who died in 1993, organized the Boerne Land and Cattle Company. The partnership manages real estate in Boerne, which they inherited from their mother, who had inherited it from her father, Alfred G.Gilliat. Included in assets, is the Cascade Cavern lease developed by their father, Alfred Gray. JAMES AND ELIZABETH HUDSON James Aubrey Hudson was born July 25, 1930 to Margaret Miller (Harkness) and Horace Seymour Hudson of Austin. Ordained an Episcopal priest on Juy 25, 1955 and serving churches in Columbus, Waco, Amarillo, Edna and Lockhart, before becoming a teacher of English as a second language in Edgewood schools in San Antonio and foreign students in the Defense Language Institute based at Lackland. James was descended from church wardens, who helped start the church in Culpepper, Virginia in 1731, Dr. I.B. Hudson, lay-organizer of Trinity Mission in Pearsall, Texas in 1884, and Judge Robert Hudson, its warden. His grandfather, James Cook Bizzelle Harkness, sheriff of Frio County, 1878 to 1890, erased the outlaws' "dead line" for sheriffs along the Nueces River by capturing many notorious characters. Both graduates of the University of Texas, James married Elizabeth Anne Gray in Boerne, June 8 1951, and he died there April 3 1983. Their children are Elizabeth Harkness, James and Elizabeth Hudson born September 19 1961 and James Aubrey, born September 7 1964. Elizabeth, granddaughter of Alfred Gordon Gilliat, a founder and warden of St. Helena's Episcopal Church, was born, one of twins, to Edith Agnes (Gilliat) organist and Alfred Gray, a later warden, on April 14 1927. In collaboration with her siblings, Edith Mary Caldwell and Alfred Gordon Gray, she wrote and published In One Place, the history of St. Helena's for its 1981 centennial. Much information came from the Edith A Gray Library. Mrs. Gray collected and organized a large assortment of books and clipped material supplemented by and available to individuals for research. The original self-bound volumes, historical research, lectures and costumed dolls were inherited from her aunt, Mary Agnes (McDonald) Cochrane, principal of Smith School in San Antonio. Also Elizabeth Urquhart (Richey) McDonald of the Keppoch clan, Saltcoat, Scotland, brought a small library, when she migrated to San Antonio with four children in 1882. Mary Agnes, at 16, was the oldest, and served families as a tutor. She retired to her home, Braeside, Boerne, near her sister, Eliza Mary Gilliat at Braehead and died in 1940. With a family background centered in Christian concern and education, Mrs. Hudson, first a medical technologist, has for twelve years, chosen to serve educationally handicapped children through Special Education in the Boerne public schools. Under supervision, she initiated the homebound an middle school resource programs; began the self-contained classrooms at elementary and secondary levels for the most handicapped children and worked two years as a vocational coordinator in Boerne and Comfort . Other areas of service have been the Sunday School, Girl Scouts, organization of AI-Anon, Boerne Teachers' Association as a president, and the Republican Party as a precinct chairman for six years. Her mother served, also, as a precinct chairman and a president of Kendall County Republican Women; as a Red Cross volunteer while attending Austin's Whitis School during World War I, and as production chairman for Kendall County during World War II, when thousands of garments were constructed and sent overseas. She was the Boerne Centennial historian and a county historical commissioner. Elizabeth Gray Hudson ALFRED GORDON GRAY As written in the Kendall County History:- My father, Alfred Gray and mother, Edith Agnes Gilliat Gray, were dairy farmers, and owned the Old Gray Milk Dairy near Cascade Caverns where I was born July 18, 1930. I will always remember their slogan 'You can whip our cream but can't beat our milk'. My paternal grandparents were George Disney Gray and Ida Emma Dutschke Gray. And maternal were Alfred George Gilliat and Eliza Mary Stephen, McDonald Gilliat, all of Kendall County. I have two older twin sisters, Edith Mary Gray Caldwell and Elizabeth Ann Gray Hudson. My first cousins are George Gray Majirus, Jack Schmid, George Gray, Alfred McDonald (Mac) Gilliat and Mary Gilliat Bridges. Growing up on a dairy, one soon learns work has to be done and now; but people like Charlie Agold (Uncle Charlie, I call him) and Marchita made it more like fun like canning time when you got to take a bath with the cans in the tub cooling, and it wasn't even Saturday. Cascade Caverns (formerly known as Dr. Hestors Cave) on our land began to develop in 1932 into a cave open to the public. (l sometimes think I was a cave man by birth). At the age of six, I attended Balcones School (now Community Center). I found it to be one of the best places to play 'Hookie'. Balcones Creek and Julius Bowman's Dam offered good fishing holes. The depression of the 1930's soon changed all of this, and our family, like so many in that decade, migrated to town. My sisters and I then attended the Boerne schools. Hunting and fishing soon gave way to interests in girls, Model A's and dance halls. Boerne High School was much fun when one had buddies like Edgar (Rusty) Rust, Terry Gombert, Albert Kutzer, etc. 'Rusty', 'Gump', Hans (Rusty's dog), and I still managed to do a little night hunting and ate good as long as there was sausage in the smoke house. I "lucked out" and got a job working for Harvey Bettison as an electrician. Uncle Harvey, I called him, had a definite influence on my future because I am still in the electrical business. Boerne's Centennial Parade, I will long remember. Rusty and I dressed up (man and wife) and rode a horse drawn buggy. I won "Ladies third prize". After graduation in 1948, I attended North Texas State Teacher's College. I majored in industrial Arts and Painting Other Campuses until January 1, 1951 when the Korean Conflict and a draft notice helped me join the Navy until November of 1954. The Dean of Men and I were glad I graduated in 1956. Elenita Margaret Heye and I were married October 5, 1956. We have two children, Alfred Carl Gray, May 4 1958 and Margaret Ann Gray Goff, May 5 1959. Kendall Lodge 897 AF & AM (Boerne) has influenced the Gray family. Grandfather Gray (Charter Member), my father, myself, and my son are, and were masons. My Grandmother Gray and all my aunts, Ida, Grace, and Ann were Eastern Star. We now reside in San Antonio, but have land and plans to build a new home and move BACK HOME. Alfred Gordon Gray. ALFRED GORDON GRAY Auto-biography:- I Alfred Gordon Gray was born on July 18 1930, The son of Alfred Gray & Edith Agnes (Gilliat) Gray. At the time I was born my parents owned and ran Graymead Dairy. The dairy was located about a half mile south of Cascade Caverns. My parents also owned the land "The Cave" is on. The cave and 103 acres were later leased to a Mr. Nicholson & R.B. Thomas in January of 1932 for Development. I am not certain of the exact year possibly late 1933 or 1934 because of the depression the dairy operation folded and we lost most of the land however, we were able to hold on to the 103 acres with the cave. I remember a lot of things about the dairy. Its slogan was "YOU CAN WHIP OUR CREAM BUT YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR MILK". Every member of the family worked to try and save the dairy but it was for naught. Originally it was a door to door delivery, however as folks could not and did not pay their milk bills, we wound up having to wholesale the milk to the San Antonio Creamery. My twin sisters Edith Mary and Elizabeth Ann and I liked to go with our dad to deliver the milk so we could get an ice cream cone at the creamery. That situation didn't last long because wholesaling milk didn't produce enough to make the land payments at the bank. It was a sad day when we had to leave the dairy. We moved to a farm, we called the Hutchinson Place, on the Scenic Loop Road. It had a big old two story house on it that we thought was haunted. l remember times were hard and the N. R A. would pay .00 for a cow. A man (Joe Zoeller) would come, give my dad the .00, and shoot the cow. Then you had to burn the animal and were not allowed to have the meat to eat. My mother would make our clothes from flower sacks. Dittlinger Flour Mills sold flour in gingham cloth sacks. If mom got two alike the twins got a new dress if not I got a shirt or pair of pants. All the Pioneer White Wings flour sacks went for bed sheets. I started school in the fall of 1936 at the Balcones School house. "Buzzie" WaIschmidt and I were the only two in the first grade. It was a two room schoolhouse. Miss Dinter was the teacher's name in the small room. Buzzie and I sat right in front of the teacher's desk on the front row. I was born left-handed but Miss Dinter saw to it that I became right handed. One day she caught me writing with both hands at the same time. She didn't think it was as funny as I did and warmed my behind. After the afternoon recess Miss Dinter would assign some of the older students to teach "Buzzie" and I reading. We didn't like that as much as going fishing. The school was right on Balcones Creek so during recess we would slip off and go down to the creek and go around the bend down to Julius Bowman's dam. It was a good place to go "skinny dipping" and fish. Consequently I didn't learn to read too well. The next year we moved to the Doeppenschmidt place east of Boerne. It was in the Pleasant Valley school district. However, we lived closer to Boerne than the Pleasant Valley school house. Our parents paid the Boerne School District so we could go school in Boerne. I will always remember Mrs. Lucy Saxon the second grade teacher. I had been in her class about 3 weeks and she had my parents come talk to her about me. I couldn't read well enough to be in the second grade. It was decided I should be put back in the first grade. Miss Toepperwein saw to it, I learned to read. I got my first pair of new store bought pants at Besler's clothing store. (American Brand Khakis) I got a new corduroy jacket for Christmas and I was playing down in a ditch where we would throw away all of the bulged can goods that had gone bad. I punched a hole in one of them and it spewed on my new jacket. That smell never went away and I can smell it today. Several years later we moved into Boerne into a rent house that our grand mother owned on San Antonio St. across from the Main Plaza. Our father found work in construction and moved about the state as various projects were being built. Mom kept the home fires burning and dad would visit us when he could. I remember mom would feed and cloth us on .00 a week. That was when I had my first birthday party. In 1940 our grand aunt passed away and we moved to 7213 North Main. I lived there until I finished high school. Got my first car it was a used 1929 model "A" Ford 5 window coupe. Tillie Zoeller had owned it and ran a mail route in it for years. It had a wooden box built in the back of it. I later worked for Rust Motor Company sanding cars and cleaning the shop. Vick Orsak, was the paint and body man, I worked for him. He found an old rumble seat and we removed the box and put in the rumble seat. I sanded the car down and Vick put 15 coats of black lacquer on it. Boy did it shine. I named it "Tessie". High School was a fun time. I was too small to play football or other sports so I just became a smart alek and spent most of my time with tomfoolery. Albert Kutzer's dad had a Jeep dealership and Albert got a red Jeep to drive. We sure had a fun time with it at night. We would drive around and find guys with they dates parked in out of the way places sneak up on them and shine a flashlight in the car then run away as fast as we could. One night we did this and the guy started chasing us. We couldn't get away from him so Albert said he knew where there was a street that wasn't used any more, so without headlights Albert turns down the old street. We zipped through it and headed north on old U.S. 87 we couldn't see the other car anymore however we knew he was still back there because you could see the bullets grazing off the asphalt. Turned out we had picked up a long piece of barbed wire and that was what was making the sparks. In the 40's most of us didn't date but brothers and sisters would all pile in a car and go to the dances. A car load of us went to Bandera one Saturday night in "Rusty's" old Chevrolet. On the way home the car started to make a terrible noise. "Rusty" pulled over to the edge of the road and the noise stopped. He gunned the motor several times and we determined it was not the motor. He put it in gear and nothing happened until we started to move. We stopped all got out and couldn't find anything wrong. Started off again and heard the terrible noise. Finally we discovered that one of the front bumper bolts had broken and one end was dragging the ground. So we cut a piece of wire out of the fence, tied up the bumper and came home. Just before World War II started my dad had purchased a Remington 22 pump from Adler's Dry Goods. I used to borrow it when "Rusty", Terry Gombert and myself would go varmint hunting at night with "Rusty's" black and tan hound "Haas". We went to the Gombert's Ranch on Sabinas Creek to hunt one night. I was running across the creek following "Hans" when I slipped on a rock, fell in the creek and bent the barrel of that 22 and put a big scar in the stock. Needless to say I did not get to use it again. After my father passed away I inherited the 22 rifle and to this day when I look at the scar in the stock I think about that night. The summer of 48 Boerne had started getting ready for it's centennial celebration of 1949. I was raking rocks out of the racetrack at the fair grounds. Harvey Bettison, owner of Bettison Electric Co., was in charge of stage lighting for the celebration. The stage was to be built in the center of the racetrack. Mr. Bettison needed some help setting telephone poles for the stage lighting. I was sent to help him. Can you imagine me digging holes 6 feet deep. The digging bar weighed almost as much as I did. While digging those holes Mr. Bettison asked me if I knew anything about electricity? 1 said "no I couldn't even change the batteries in a flashlight and make it burn". He asked me if I wanted a job and I said darn right, anything would beat digging those holes. He said he would hire me as soon as I finished those holes. Working for Harvey influenced the rest of my life Me was like a second father. I always had a job when I carne home. In 1948 I surprised every one and graduated from High School. All four foot eleven and 121 lbs. of me. "Tessie "and I went off to college to North Texas State Teachers College in Denton, Texas. First time I had really been away from home. One thing college did for me, when I came home the following spring I was 5' 5".1 looked like I was wearing high water pants. My second year at North Texas will long be in my memory. Denton was in a dry county and Dallas was the closest place to buy alcohol. We had been to Dallas and several of us were in my dormitory room consuming the remains of our trip. There was to be a football game between North Texas and Mid-Western University in Wichita Falls the following week. While consuming the remains of our Dallas trip it was decided we should go to Wichita Falls and paint up the campus. So we piled into four cars and away we went. It's amazing how far two gallons of green paint will go. We painted school busses buildings and even the inside of a dormitory room while the student was sleeping. In leaving the student awoke and sounded the alarm. We scattered and got out of Wichita Falls. One car broke a radiator hose and got caught in Decater Texas and the D. P. S. stopped the car I was in before we got back to Denton. We were sent to the Denton City Jail, booked and later released. Three days later a messenger from the Dean of Men's Office came to the class I was in and said I was to go to the Dean's office right away. When I got there, the whole bunch that went to Wichita Falls, was sitting in the waiting room. One at a time we were called into the Dean's office, and exited through a side door. The next thing I had to do was to inform my parents I was suspended on conduct probation. When I got home my dad was building a shop behind our house. He had said nothing about me getting suspended and that was bothering me. I was packing the shingles up on the roof for him as he was nailing them down. Finally I asked him what he thought about my getting suspended. He never missed a lick driving the nails and said to me "son if that's all the trouble you ever get into you will be all right". The next year my buddy Edgar "Rusty" Rust and I went back to North Texas together. We had become close friends in High School. I was a year older than "Rusty" but he looked older than I, so he bought the beer. (you had to be 21 to buy beer) We came home for the Christmas holidays in 1950. The Korean War had started that summer. I had left "Tessie" in Denton and ridden home with "Rusty" in "Flora" a 1930 four door Chevrolet. The day after we got home I went to the old post office to pick up the mail. Amongst that days mail was "Greetings from Uncle Sam" (a draft notice). I left it in the post office and the next day borrowed my dad's car and went to San Antonio and joined the Navy. I was not to leave until early in January 1951. So "Rusty" and I went back to Denton, me to check out of college and get "Tessle" and "Rusty " to go back to school. I packed my stuff in "Tessie" and waited for "Rusty" to come back to the dorm so I could say goodbye. When he came back he had checked out and we both came home and he also joined the Navy. We both were sent to boot camp in San Diego, California. As I had enlisted earlier than "Rusty", my billet number was smaller and they needed one man to fill out a company from Iowa. Yes I was the only Texan in Iowa Company #61. All of the Texas enlistees were in Company # 62. After Boot Camp I was selected to go to Electricians Mate "A" school in San Diego. (Harvey had been a navy electrician) While hi "E. M." school I met some "Fleet Men" that had been sent to the school. They were submarine sailors. I decided this was what I wanted to be. Well I was sent for a physical, knowing that all submariners had to be able to read hydrogen meters (red-green), and knowing I was color blind, didn't help. The corpsman handling the color charts with the spots had 3 cards in each hand. He would put one hand behind his back and hold up the other on alternate men as they stepped forward. I heard what the second man ahead of me said so when it became my turn I said the same numbers. Well my heart was pounding knowing I had cheated and the next test was blood pressure. (7f course it was high. The corpsman told me to sit down and rest a few minutes and he would take it again. After about 15 minutes he took it again. It was still high. So he told me to come back the following day. I go back the next day and he takes my blood pressure and it is fine. He picks up my chart and notices that the corpsman that was checking for color blindness had not checked me off the list. This time they caught me. I guess it was a blessing that I didn't get by and create a situation where I could not read a hydrogen meter. After E.M. School I was assigned to the U.S.S. Philippine Sea CV-47. She was an Essex class aircraft carrier. I went aboard in August of 1. 951 while she was in dry dock at Hunters Point in San Francisco. She was the biggest ship this country boy had ever seen. (888 feet long and 110 feet wide) There are larger ones now but in 1951 she was as big as they came. This was to be my home for the rest of my Navy career. I went aboard and was assigned to the lighting shop. Found the berthing compartment and stowed my gear, went to the lighting shop, and was immediately sent to the mess deck, as each division furnishes a mess cook every 90 days. The Mess Deck Master At Arms put me in the scullery catching the racks of washed eating utensils as they came out of the back of the dish washing machine. After several weeks the repairs were almost completed and the ship was floated and we went for a trial run. I was working in the scullery at the time and began to feel a little woozy. The Mess Deck Master at Arms told me to go up aft on the flight deck and look forward at the horizon. To my surprise my tummy settled down and I have never been seasick. It mentally squared me away. The Mess Deck Master At Arms and I became friends. His last name was Glover and I don't ever remember knowing his first name. Glover made me a night mess cook. That way I could sleep in during the day. When he wanted me to go ashore with him he would assign my duty to another person and hand me my liberty card. I almost hated it when my 90 days were up. I worked in the lighting shop for my first tour of duty in Korea. While there I got to know many of the pilots as our shop was across the corridor from the ready room on the 02 level. We used to go up on the superstructure and watch for them to come back after a bombing run. They all didn't come back. I transferred to the Power Shop so I could learn to rewind motors and work on heavier power circuits, and controllers. Johnny Gentry and I became friends while I worked there. We pulled many a Liberty together and still keep in touch I also met Jimmy Shook a machinist from the machine shop. Still a good friend and hope to see him at our ships next reunion in Myrtle Beach S.C. The opportunity came for me to join the "gen. gang" so down in the boiler rooms and forward auxiliary I went. That's where the generators and bench boards are that provide the ships electricity. We had four of them and we would stand watch on them along with a machinist who ran the steam driven turbines that power the generator. I spent about eight months in the "gen gang" and being encouraged by a chief petty officer to learn more I went to steering gear. That wasn't smart. Steering gear was two small rooms in the bottom aft of the ship. Way below the water line. This was also my General Quarters station. During G.Q. we were locked in, and the place was refrigerated because of the heat generated in the steering room by two 250 horsepower electric motors and two big hydraulic pumps that powered the rams on the rudder, needed to stay cool. The small room aft of steering had the rams and rudderpost in it. There was a constant loud noise as the machinery groaned to move the massive rudder. About the time you would get your hearing back in it was time to go back in the hole again. It was so cold in there we always wore foul weather gear even when we were near the equator. Was I ever glad when I made 2nd. Class petty officer and got out of there. The above took place during my second 9 months in Korea. We did not have enough chief petty officers or 1" class petty officers so many of us second class p.o.'s were put in charge of shops. I was sent to be in charge of the "Battery Locker". I loved it. I had 2 men under me and we had a blast. Our job was to look after all the ships batteries and D. C. systems, including the ships boats, automobiles, fire control back up power, fire pumps and emergency lanterns. We also shared our shop and charging room, located on the hanger deck mid ship starboard side, with the "air dales" that maintained the aircraft batteries. This was a perfect location, we even had port holes. We were just aft of the fueling station that became a freebee area except when we were taking on fuel. I spent many an hour sitting on a chock in that station just watching the sea and what ever we passed by. The engineering officer was a three striper mustang and what a fine man he was. His name was Glanzsnig. He saw to it that I got a rack (bunk) and a locker put in the shop and I moved out of the berthing compartment. At night it was my own private quarters. Glanzsnig started calling me "Geranium". In Japan we bought a medicinal still. We took it to the pipe fitters shop and put quick disconnect fittings on it and those involved would each keep a piece of it. Of course we had to let one of them in on it. We chose one man from the bakery so we could get canned fruit, yeast, sugar etc. Our shop had a lockable wire cage across the passageway in front of the charging room. We would put the fruit, yeast, sugar and distilled water in a big jug. Put the jug in the wire cage next to the ships smoke stack, let it work a couple of days and then distill it. We overworked that little still and finally burned the bottom out of the kettle. It was fun while it lasted. We would be at sea 40 to 50 days at a time but while we had the still no one involved complained. Our Ship, The Philippine Sea, operated in what was called the "Fast Carrier Task Force 77". At times we would have 2 to 3 Carriers, a Cruiser or Battleship, Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts. We were a part of this "Task Force" on all my three nine month tours of duty in Korean waters. It was a happy day when the cease fire agreement came because we knew we would get to go home. Some of the crew got to fly home from Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. As I was "Ships Company" I had to stay aboard and come back to the states with the ship. We got back to the states in November of 54 and I was sent to the Destroyer Base in San Diego for separation. That was 3 long days. I got home the 16''. of November and "Rusty" came home on the 19d'. We had not seen each other since Boot Camp. We had a party. Thanks to my dad and chief Busby I had made application to become a Mason. Before the end of November I had taken the 0. degree at Kendall Lodge #897.1 went back to work for Harvey while waiting for the spring semester to start at North Texas. I was four years older than most of the students when I went back to College. Mr. Fred Slack was Dorm director of the Quadrangle Dormitories. I had lived in Ramey Courts prior to joining the navy and Mr. Slack was in charge of them. He remembered me and made me a counselor in one of the dorms. I almost wanted to become a professional student. I didn't have to have roommates, got room and board free, got .00 a month G. I. Bill, and worked for a laundry. If you lived in my dorm you sent your dirty laundry to my laundry. I went to school year around to try to catch up. The fall semester of "55" I met my now wife Elenita Margaret Heye. The school cafeteria did not feed on Sunday night. However the Episcopal Church had a youth group that met and would feed us. So when I was a little short of funds and was hungry I would get religious. I met Elenita at one of those meetings. She was a student at T. S. C. W. across town from North Texas. I was attracted to her and offered her a ride back to her dorm. She turned me down. It was several weeks before I saw her again. This time I was determined. She along with two other girls let me drive them back to their dorm. I called her the next day and we had a coke in a drug store across the street from her dorm. I finally convinced her I was harmless and she let me ask her out on a date. Elenita had a dorm mother and her last name was Moses. I liked to kid around with her, as she was very protective of the girls in her dormitory. I called her "Grandma Moses". She would council me every time I came to pick up Elenita for a date. I often wonder just what that woman thought of me. I graduated at the end of the second summer semester of "56" with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Arts and a minor in secondary education. Got a job teaching industrial arts at Minnie B. Gay Junior High School in Harlingen, Texas. When I got to Harlingen I found the shop to be in a mess. Most of the equipment was badly in need of repair, no inventory of material and I was to come up with a lesson plan for the first six weeks in the next 8 days. I went to the superintendent of schools office and told the superintendent that I needed some help getting the shop in shape ASAP. He told me that there would be none. I told him I quit. That got the help. A man from La Feria was excellent at repairing machinery. He reworked all the machinery while I taught mechanical drawing the first six weeks. It turned out to be a year I will never forget. By the end of the year, the students projects, proved that good equipment can turn out good projects. We displayed their work in a retail store window in down town Harlingen, prior to taking them to the South Texas Industrial Arts Fair in Kvngsville. Those kids came home with a fist full of ribbons. We then sent some of the projects to the State Industrial Arts Fair in Dallas and won a few ribbons, then on to the National Fair in Dearborn, Michigan where one student got an honorable mention. Before the Easter holidays of 19561 asked Elenita if she would marry me. When we got to San Antonio for the holidays I asked Elenita's parents for their permission. To my jubilant surprise, Carl said "this calls for a drink". All this time I thought they were tea totalers. Elenita worked that summer while I finished college. I could not afford to get married until I had a job. When I first got to Harlingen I lived in a boarding house until Elenita and I married on the 5h. of October 1956. With one months salary in my pocket I rented a garage apartment. Elenita had to buy the first months groceries. Elenita got a job in Harlingen and with both of us working our possessions began to grow. A class room teachers pay then was .00 a year, however a industrial arts teacher got a local increment of an additional .00. A teacher with a masters degree could earn .00 more. At the end of the school year we decided to go back to North Texas and start working on a masters degree. We packed what few belongings we owned and off to Denton we went. We located a duplex on the edge of the campus and rented it for the summer. My brother-in-law Roland Caldwell was the branch, operating manager for Graybar Electric Supply Co. in Amarillo, Texas. The district office was in Dallas. Roland came through Denton one day on his way to Dallas. He asked me if I wanted to go with him. So I cut class that day and went with him. In Dallas I met Mr. Willard Haynes who was the District Operating Manager. He asked me what I did and I told him I was a school teacher working on a masters degree. Had been an electrician, and was a schooled navy electricians mate. He asked me if I wanted a job and I said no thank you I have one in Harlingen this fall. I guess Mr. Haynes called me half a dozen times in the next two weeks offering me a job. His last call hit me as I was having a bad day and I accepted. When the semester ended we packed up and went to work for Graybar Electric Supply Co. in El Paso, Texas. Arriving in El Paso we were fortunate in locating a furnished duplex on south Alameda St. Not having a lot of possessions it didn't take long to get settled. We got there on a Friday and by Monday I was ready to go to work. I wanted to be prompt so I got to 3513 Rosa St. a little early. I sat there in the parking lot and kept looking at my watch wondering what time the employees showed up for work? A little before 9:00 they started to show up. I finally realized I was in a different time zone. I was to report to the branch, operating manager. He informed me I was not properly dressed for the job I was to be assigned to. I should go home and change clothes, I would be working in the warehouse. My first responsibilities was to see to it the bathrooms were clean, and as I knew nothing about how the company operated I could sweep the floors and unload the boxcars that were on a railroad siding next to the warehouse. It didn't take me very long to decide I had better learn how the company operated. Working in the warehouse I learned the inventory and when I was not unloading boxcars, I began filling orders for shipment. Jerry Cloud ran the warehouse and taught me the ropes of shipping and receiving material. I became friends, with Bill Young. Bill was in charge of the city counter. He was responsible for letting me fill in on the city counter while he and his assistant were on their lunch hour. When Bill's turn came for lunch he would go sit in front of the counter to eat his brown bag lunch and file the new price sheets in his price book. Thus, when not waiting on customers, we would talk. Bill's assistant quit and I got the job. Bill would work up 35 questions a day, then send them home with me, and a manufacturer's catalogue, that night to find the answers. Bill was a wonderful friend and helped me gain a working knowledge of electrical material. Within three months time I received a job change. I was now a part time office salesman and part time counter salesman. An office salesman enters an outside salesman's orders, that either ship from the warehouse stock or ship direct from the manufacturer. He also takes telephone orders from the outside salesman's customers. I liked serving the customers. October 17, 1957 we received a phone call that my father Alfred Gray had had a heart attack and died while hunting in the Kibab Forest in Arizona. My mom and dad owned a small trailer they had taken to the forest to stay in while dad hunted. Would I come pick up my mom and the trailer? The friends that were hunting with my parents would take mom and the trailer to Flagstaff. I was not able to get a flight out of El Paso to Flagstaff Arizona that night so I caught a bus. When I got to Flagstaff I had to get a cab to the airport to find my mom and the trailer. The mortuary in Flagstaff had shipped my father's body to San Antonio by train. We left Flagstaff that late afternoon. About dark when I turned on the lights the trailer brakes locked up. When the friends brought the trailer out of the forest through the deep snow it had packed in the wheels and shorted out the brake system. I took a pair of snips and cut the brake wires and we drove until we both were sleepy. As we had a trailer we found a wide spot in the road and fixed something to eat and went to sleep. The next day we finally got out of the snow and made it to El Paso to our duplex apartment. I was tired and went to bed early. About 10;00 P.M., Elenita woke me up to tell me it was snowing. I awoke about 6:00 A. M. the next morning and everything was covered with snow. The car need an oil change and we still had another 500 miles to get home. I took the car to the station where I had been trading. In conversation with the owner I was telling him of my situation, he put some little pills in my hand and told me to take one if I got sleepy trying to get back to Boerne. When I got back to our apartment we decided to start out even thought the roads were closed. We had the trailer and would go as far as we could. Elenita was pregnant with our son. We left El Paso about 10:00 A.M.. We drove for about an hour in the snow to where the Highway Patrol was stopping all vehicles. The road was not passable. We got in the trailer and lit the heater. I asked my mom to make a pot of coffee. When it was ready I invited one of the patrol officers in for a cup. In conversation we explained our situation that we needed to get to Boerne as soon as we could. A little later the officer came back and told me a grader had gone down to clear the road and that he was going back up the road. I should get my family ready to go, and when he went back up the road for us to take off and don't look back. We got about 10 miles down the road and caught up with the grader I eased past him and went on. It was a little tricky, with no trailer brakes. We came upon a wreck between a big truck and a car. All were dead so we went on to Ballmorea We stopped to tell the Highway Patrol about the wreck they told us the highway was dry just south of town. It was great to get on a dry road I felt now we could make up some time. Thirty six miles later it started to snow again. We stopped in Ft. Stockton to buy gas and as it was getting late I took one of those little pills. They work I didn't get sleepy for two days. We drove in snow all the rest of the way to Boerne. We finally got to Boerne at 2;00 A. M. The next day we went to San Antonio to claim dad's body, and made the funeral arrangements. After my dad's funeral Elenita and I went home to El Paso in dad's pickup. About a year later The Branch Manager, Ray Gross, called me in his office. He told me to start wearing a suit, as I was the new outside salesman. John Watts had been transferred to the San Antonio branch and I was to replace him. John had handled the small appliance sales to the retailers. However, I was to be given a dual assignment. I would also have some contractor accounts. On one call I would be selling toasters, coffee pots, blenders, radios, frying pans, and the next call I would be selling electrical wire, boxes, panels, motors etc. During this stay in El Paso Elenita and I were blessed with a son (Alfred Carl Gray) and a daughter (Margaret Ann Gray). We bought our first home. It was in a subdivision called Colonia Verde and the street was Yarmouth Lane. I borrowed the Company's delivery truck and moved in, in one day. Elenita and I worked all day and into the night and had it all done by the time we finally called it a night. Several hours later we woke up to a terrific noise. I was a west Texas dust storm. The next morning our new home had dust in it everywhere. Colonia Verde was located just below the Franklin Mountains and when the wind would blow the dust and tumbleweeds would just cover us up. One of the memorable things that happened while living in that house was Elenita became ill and spent the day in bed. Our two young toddlers got in the pantry and pulled down all the canned goods. Tore the labels off of the cans and got into a can of Crisco. What a mess. Everything was covered with Crisco and we didn't know what was in the cans. In January of 61 an opportunity carne to transfer to the Austin, Texas branch. We packed up and moved to Austin. We bought a house in a new subdivision called University Hills on a street called Wake Forest. Initially my sales assignment was to call on the housewares accounts and small contractors. Johnny Collins had the country territory and transferred to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Luckily I acquired his accounts. They covered 17 counties around Austin. That is when I really learned how to polish seat covers. I was amazed at what kinds of businesses were hidden out in those counties from graphite mines to coat hanger manufacturers, feed block machine manufacturing, white lime plants, one wire small telephone companies to major electric generating companies, Alcoa, Fort Hood etc. Graybar had started a training program for more communication salesmen. As I had been calling on some small telephone accounts I was eligible to qualify. I was sent to a school at Kellog's plant in Corenth, Mississippi as well as other training sessions on communication equipment. I was given a few accounts and a budget to make, to see if I was successful. If so I was to get a larger assignment. I made the budget but the larger assignment didn't come. I was a little unhappy. It was July 1963, the purchasing agent for the San Marcos Telephone Co. and I had been to lunch and when we got back he was to place a sizeable order for telephone cable. I wanted the order and asked him about it. He told me our bid was not the low bid. He pulled out all the quotations he had received laid them on his desk and asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee. I said yes. He said keep your seat I will go get you a cup. Yes, I looked at all the quotations and told him I could handle the order at the low number. He gave me a purchase order number and over the glass top edge of his desk he tore the letterhead off of my competitors quotation and gave me the bottom part. I went away happy as a lark. The cable was the same brand I had quoted. I sent the order via the Dallas office for shipment. I was told I could not handle the order and to take it back. This I had to do. I felt like a whipped dog. Several weeks later, the same telephone company wanted to buy some exchange cable. A very similar situation came about, but before I took the order I called the Dallas office and was again told I could not handle it. I thanked the purchasing agent, got in my car and drove back to the Austin office. Put my price book and a letter of resignation on the branch manager's desk. Went to the warehouse and got a box, cleaned out my desk and left. Later that afternoon I called a friend (Tommy Barr) who worked for John L. Healey and Associates an electrical manufacturers representative. I realized I had a wife and two children and I needed to get busy and find a job. I knew that Tommy called on the electrical distributors and might know where I could go for an interview. To my surprise he told me they were looking for a replacement for ham as he was being promoted. Tommy arranged for a meeting that night, he drove up from San Antonio and Mr. Healey flew down from Dallas. By 7:30 that evening I had a job. I was to move my family to San Antonio, as soon as it was convenient and they would pay for the move, But I was to start to work the following Monday. Sunday night I checked into a motel in San Antonio. The next morning I was at work. Tommy had a small office attached to his garage at 102 Persimmon. As he would be moving to Dallas I needed to find an office. We found a office at 118D West Grayson St.. The territory I was to cover was part of Central Texas and all of South Texas. The territory started at the county line north of Temple and extended to the tip of Texas below Brownsville and from the county line east of Victoria to the Rio Grande in the west above Del Rio. The company purchased a new car for me to drive. Tommy took me around the territory and introduced me to all the electrical distributors, architects, engineers, and large electrical contractors. I must have met 1200 new people in the next month. This inspired me to take a Dale Carniege course just so I could remember names. In the evenings after work I would go looking for housing. Elenita and the 2 children would come to San Antonio on the weekends and we would look some more. We finally decided on a new house at 11018 Burr Oak in Dreamland Oaks subdivision. The house was under construction so we got to pick a lot of the items. We rented a house on St. Cloud St. while our new home was being finished. We moved in our new home December 24"'. 1963. It was a nice Christmas to be in our own home again. I really liked the manufacturers representative business. I guess what made it so interesting was the people. John L. Healey and Associates represented so many lines you had to carry a card to remember them all. In the next three years we must have represented 70 manufacturers. We would get new lines and either quit or get fired from others. I had not built up the territory enough to justify a secretary so I would work late at night and on Saturdays to get the paperwork done. It was in the days before computers, copy machines, and fax machines. It was a typewriter and the U.S. Mail to confirm a telephone conversation if you wanted to get anything done. One Saturday morning I had gone to the office to get out some paperwork that needed to be in the mail. When I finished it I took it to the Main Post Office in down town San Antonio. I came back up Broadway and was in front of what used to be the Fox Photo company when I noticed a chevron shaped group of police on motorcycles were coming down the street. I was forced over to the curb and stopped as a police officer pulled up beside me and told me to stay right where I was. To my amazement it was a motorcade with John F. Kennedy the President of the United States going by, This was the day before he was shot, As the business began to grow I was permitted to have a part time secretary. Barbara Estrada was a blessing, she could type, answer the phone, knew how to enter orders and keep the filing system and catalogues current. In the fall of 1966 something was going on in the electrical distributor business in San Antonio that I could not figure out. There was to be a big electrical show in Houston and I got a tip that I should go to it. I did not know how I was going to explain this to my boss plus get his blessing to go on the company expense account. I don't remember what kind of a reason I conjured up but I got to go. At the show I saw Howard Miller who was the Lithonia Lighting representative in the San Antonio Territory. What was he doing there? Later I saw Bill Redwine at the General Electric booth. He was the manager of the San Antonio General Electric Supply house. What was he doing there? For some unknown reason I got in line and when I got to where Bill was greeting people I said to him "congratulations" his facial expression changed and he said "don't say anything". I didn't know what I had stumbled into so I just kept my mouth shut. The next week back in San Antonio, Howard Miller comes to my office. He makes me an offer to buy his sales agency at the end of the year. I am to keep quiet about it because he, Bill Redwine, and Jessie Simmons had made a deal to buy Alamo Electric Supply. I soon realized this was an opportunity I could not afford to pass up. First I had to find a partner as I did not have the monetary wealth to swing the deal and secondly I was to have a hernia repair operation which I better get done while I had medical coverage. I wracked my brain of who to approach as a potential partner. I had better not "spill the beans" to the wrong man. I tried to reach a man I knew in Houston, but was unable to make contact with him. (that later proved to be a good thing) I was sitting in our kitchen at 11018 Burr Oak when I recalled my brother in law (Roland Caldwell) had made a statement he was unhappy with his latest assignment as a salesman with Graybar Electric Supply Co. in Dallas. I called Roland and told him of the deal. He said he was interested and would figure a way to sneak off and come to San Antonio. Roland and I met with Howard Miller and worked out a deal that we could buy his sales agency. Roland's dad had been with the F. B.1. and knew other F. B. I. retirees that were in the banking business and lawyers. We had a deal. I got my hernia repaired and after I was up and around I called Mr. Healey and told him I wanted to resign effective the end of December. He fired me that day. It was the first week in December. I drove the company car back to Dallas Roland picked me up and I drove back to San Antonio in our new company's car. Roland did not resign from Graybar until January so he would get his stock dividend and year end bonus. We were going to need it. I found an office for us across the street from Healy's office at 105 W. Grayson. Scrounged an old desk and two chairs. Got a telephone put in and laid low until the first of January. I was in business but couldn't use the name of Caldwell-Gray until Roland resigned from Graybar. We had no credit so we used my credit card for gasoline and my name for a telephone. It was 45 days before we decided to give ourselves a small paycheck. Fortunately we had purchased a going sales agency and received the backlog of existing orders. We owed the bank but were able to keep our heads above water and paid off the bank note in 17 months. Caldwell-Gray grew from a small agency started in January of 1967 that sold half a million dollars in sales its first year to a company that in 1989 sold sixteen million dollars, in sales. As we grew we were able to hire more and more people. We later merged our agency with the Alton Stewart Agency and changed the company name to Caldwell-Gray-Stewart Inc. Alton was very strong in the Austin market and Roland and I were only getting 7% of the Austin market. Lithonia was a very aggressive manufacturer and was ahead of most lighting manufacturers in using the latest technology. They provided their agents not only with product but good market information. Market share or penetration as we called it was a scale to be judged by. We were fortunate in that regard as our market penetration numbers kept us in the top five in the nation. We represented some of the forest companies and were able to quote almost a complete package on every job. We were blessed with many friends in the industry, Architects, Engineers, Electrical Distributors, and Electrical Contractors. Service after the sale was an important part of our agency because we knew most of what we had for sale could also be purchased some where else. One of the product lines I enjoyed selling was water fountains. Over the years I had the pleasure of representing Kim Lighting & Fountains twice, Aqua Hew, Architectural Fountains Inc, Bronzelite, and finally The Fountain Co. Many of the Fountains still in existence are projects I helped design and or sell. Fond memories. In the spring and summer of 19901 began to tire of the day to day pressure of trying to stay on top. I wanted to slow down and taper off. Our son Alfred Carl Gray, Roland's son Jimmy Caldwell, Ken Flory a fine employee and Al Satterfield were the next generation in our company. I proposed a plan to my partners that we sell 20% of the company to the young men each year. That way over a five-year period we could phase out and they could phase in and the market would not notice the change. My partners didn't like the idea and offered to buy me out at sixty cents on the dollar. I didn't like that idea? I told them I would sell for one hundred thousand dollars. They said they would dissolve the company first before they would pay that much. A sales meeting was set up in Austin with the district sales manager of Lithonia, I was informed of it about an hour before it was time to leave. I decided not to go as I felt as an equal partner I should have been informed earlier. This helped bring on distrust and dissatisfaction. It was September of 1990 and I had been in the Rio Grande Valley all week making sales calls. I got to Corpus Christi on a Thursday night and was to make our sales calls there the next day. Friday morning when I got to Flato Electric Supply Co. there was a phone message for me to call the office. I returned the call and was informed I should come back to San Antonio as soon as I could as the Lithonia sales manager was there and wanted to talk to me. I got back to San Antonio and what was said to me was that if I wanted to retire now would be a good time because decisions by the sales manager and my two partners had already been made. I was out. It was agreed that I would retire at the end of September. Alton Stewart would have a sales agency in Austin called Spectrum Lighting of Austin and Roland Caldwell and his new partner Eddie Tome would have Spectrum Lighting of San Antonio. October 1~. 1990 there was no longer a Caldwell Gray Stewart Inc.. A value of the company was arrived at by figuring the commission of the back log, furniture, Automobiles etc. I was to take the dark blue Oldsmobile as part of my 1/3 of the company. In all I supposedly got my fair share and 2 checks worth .00.1 was retired, however I kept one of the manufacturers. The Fountain Co. I would make a few calls every week to keep in touch with the specifiers that I had known over the previous 27 years and it paid off because I would get to sell a fountain now and then. In January of 1991 our son and Ken Flory resigned from Spectrum Lighting and started their own agency named Lonestar Lighting Inc. I was pleased with their decision and helped them by making sales calls in their behalf. By 19931 was ready to call it quits and gave the fountain line to them. At the time I left Caldwell Gray Stewart I had been building a weekend house on 20 acres of land that we owned north of Boerne on Nollkamper Road. Now I would have time to finish it. I took the money that was mine in the profit sharing and pension trust funds and transferred them into an I.R.A. And stayed with the same brokerage firm that we had used as a company. Now all I had to do was live until January so I would be 60 & '/Z years old to start drawing money from it without being penalized. In February of 1974 my mother passed away. She left my sisters and I commercial rent property that she inherited from her parents, her house and her part of Cascade Caverns. My sisters and I could not find a way to divide her land holdings equally. We finally decided to form a partnership called the Boerne Land and Cattle Co. I was to play the part of general manager and look after maintenance and repair, Elizabeth would be the secretary and Edith the treasurer. The buildings were in some need of repair. We therefore would each draw small monthly sum from the rental and gain some dollars to improve our properties. As Boerne began to grow Boerne Land and Cattle Company grew with it. By improving the properties they would produce more income. We are very fortunate in that we have rental properties in the heart of down town Boerne. Now that I am retired the income from B. L. C. is more appreciated and even today I count it as a blessing. In looking back at my life I am thankful to have traveled and seen some parts of this world. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to see more of it. I have been to the following: United States, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Bahamian Islands, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Greece, The Greek Islands, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Italy, Morocco, Hawaiian Islands, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Taiwan, Corregador, and the Philippines. I joined the Scottish Rite and The Shrine of North America (Ancient Arabic Order Of Nobles Of the Mystic Shrine) in 1972. In April of 1973 1 joined the Alzafar Nemnuf. Nemnuf is fun men spelled backwards. I have enjoyed the many friendships I have made with the members of the clown unit. My clown name is "Freckles". I have served as Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and was President in 1980. I have just been made Chaplain of the Texas Shrine Clown Association. For 2001-2002. The wife and I joined the Hillbillies, which is a shrine organization whose purpose is to raise funds for the Shrine Hospitals. I also am a member and officer of the Alzafar Rod and Gun Club. I have been the secretary/treasurer and am currently the President of the Boerne Shrine Club(2001). I am also a member of the order of the "Q" and Royal Order of Jesters. I have just joined the Alzafar Speakers Bureau. Hopefully I will be an asset to it as it promotes the Shriners Hospitals of North America. THE TEXAS GILLIAT FAMILY By Alfred “Mac†Gilliat Alfred Gordon Gilliat (1860-1936) came to Texas in 1879. He was born near London in Brighton, to Alfred Gilliat (1830-1898) and Emma Lett Clowes. Alfred was the eldest son of Alfred Gallego Gilliat (1800-1859) and his cousin Caroline Gilliat (1803-1832). Alfred G. was the eldest son of Thomas Gilliat (1765-1810) and Mary Scott Gilliat. The doctor who delivered Alfred Gordon came from attending someone with scarlet fever. Sanitation and disease transmission were unknown at the time. Emma Lett caught scarlet fever, and died six days later. Although it is rare for infants to become infected with scarlet fever Alfred Gordon caught it and ran such high fever that it punctured his eardrums. His father sent him to a school for the deaf in Belgium, considered to be one of the best in the world at the time. He was educated to be a banker, but decided instead that he wanted to come to the United States and be a cowboy. At that time (1879) the northern and eastern parts of the United States needed meat. Texas had beef, but no railroads. Many young Englishmen came to Texas to go up the trail and drive cattle to the nearest railhead in Kansas. Alfred Gordon Gilliat was among them. We don’t know how many times he went up the trail with cattle, as the daily dairies he kept were lost in a fire in 1893. The men who went up the trail over-wintered in the San Antonio, Texas area. They found what work they could until spring when the trail drives started. Alfred Gordon found work near Boerne, Texas on the ranch of a Baron von Brandenstein. At that time the ranch was used mainly to pasture the town’s milk cows and extra saddle horses. He eventually bought the land, immediately sold a piece of it, and ended up with about 1400 acres of land. Much of the land was wooded and he set out to clear it so he could farm. He married Eliza Mary Stephen McDonald on October 12, 1897. She was the daughter of a Scottish pharmacist whose wife and children immigrated to the United States from Scotland after his death. “Gore†and “Bessie†had two children, Edith Agnes (1898-1975) and Alfred McDonald (1900-1957). The Kendall County, Texas area near Boerne, Texas is on the Edwards Plateau in the Texas Hill Country. This is an area of rocky hills with broad valleys and much live water. We were amazed at the resemblance it bears to the Lincolnshire countryside where the original William Gilliat (1714-1775) was a grazier. Alfred Gordon cleared enough land (378 acres) to become the largest farmer in Kendall County. He was among the first to use a tractor, owned the first combine in the county and had the largest hay barn in the area. He also played a major role in building the town of Boerne. He was Senior Warden of the vestry of St. Helena’s Episcopal Church for 16 years. When a beautiful Norman style building replaced the old wooden structure he contributed the limestone blocks off the ranch for the walls of the new church. In the early 1900’s, he bought several old buildings in Boerne and tore them down to build modern buildings in their places. He eventually owned nine business sites on Main Street in central Boerne. At the ranch, “Braehead,†meaning “hilltop†or “head of the hills†he built his home, a 14 room, two-story structure started in 1897 and finished in 1933. On the hill with this house and the hay barn previously mentioned, he built numerous grain bins, implement sheds, stables and other structures needed to run a farm and ranch. He made two trips back to England, one in 1892, and, again in 1904. On one of these trips he came back with a fairly complete family tree in a diary. We don’t know the source of the information, except to say that we believe much of it came from personal knowledge and from talking to family members alive at the time. We were surprised to see an exact copy of this diary at the home of one of our cousins we visited in Oxford. She was a daughter of one of his half-sisters. This diary starts with the original William Gilliat (1714-1775) and lists all of his children, as well as much of each of their families, and seems to be much the same as the information I have seen from other family members. The information in it was of much help when we traveled to England. This diary records that, “William Gilliat came from Norfolk his grandfather came from France at the Edict of Nantes.†This is much the same story told in other branches of the family, though I understand it cannot be proven. The more I hear of other branches of the family, the more the commonality of origin becomes evident. These stories have a familiar ring. Our branch of the family originally came to the United States around 1800 when Thomas and John Gilliat founded a company in Virginia. Thomas married Mary Scott, niece of the first Earl of Clonmell. They evidently met and married in the Richmond, Virginia area, although we do not have a marriage date or place. A son, Alfred Gallego was born on May 24, 1800. We have always believed that she was killed in a fall from a horse and was buried in the “Old Richmond Burying Grounds.†This information is written on the back of her portrait and is in the hand of one of Alfred Gordon’s half-sisters, Katherine Jessie (Katy) Gilliat. On the back of Thomas’ portrait is stated that he died at New York in 1810 and is buried there. Family lore says he was making a trip to England at the time. We don’t know how or when Alfred G. got back to England or who he lived with or what he did. We surmise that he may have lived with his Uncle John since he married John’s fourth daughter Caroline, but this is pure speculation. We do know that there was still some legal action taking place in the late 1800’s on Thomas’ estate, this from papers Alfred Gordon got at the time. It appears the only winners in this legal action were some attorneys. We have life-sized oil portraits of Thomas and Mary Scott Gilliat. They are supposed to have been painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence in 1796, though we are unable to find his signature on them. They have been passed from eldest son to eldest son. Alfred Gordon was to have gotten them on the death of his father in 1898. The British government would not let them out of the country at the time, as they were considered part of the British “national treasure.†He attempted to get them when he was in England and his half-sister, Katy, continued to try until she received permission from the government to ship them about 1950, some 14 years after his death. We have had them since that time. They are in the original frames though quite darkened from hanging in houses heated with coal in England. Edith Agnes Gilliat married Alfred Gray and to this union were born twins, Edith Mary (1927-1993) and Elizabeth Anne (1927-), and Alfred Gordon (1930-). Alfred McDonald married Harriet Elizabeth Sandidge and to this union were born Alfred McDonald, Jr. (1942-) and Mary Elizabeth (1944-). I, Alfred McDonald Gilliat Jr. (Mac) still have the ranch at Boerne as well as the portraits of Thomas and Mary Scott Gilliat. My cousins have the town property. THE CASCADE CAVERNS The caverns are located on the Gilliat ranch. ________________________________________________ Descendants of Thomas Gilliat Generation No. 1 1. Thomas Gilliat (William2, William1) born June 05 1765 in Scrivelsby, Lincolnshire, died 1810 in New York.Buried Trinity churchyard. married (1) Mary Scott November 12, 1789 in Henrico County, West Virginia. She was born 1775 in USA, died 1803 in Richmond Virginia. He married (2) Martha Cowcher 1805. She died in Portsmouth R. I Children of Thomas Gilliat and Mary Scott are: 2. i. ALFRED GALLEGO4 GILLIAT b May 24 1800 Richmond VA. d March 29 1859 ii. WILLIAM GILLIAT 1803-1803 Children of Thomas Gilliat and Martha Cowcher are: iii. BETSY GILLIAT 3. iv. JOHN HENRY GILLIAT b 1807 Richmond Virginia d 1873 Virginia Generation No. 2 2. Alfred Gallego4 Gilliat (Thomas3, William2, William1) born May 24, 1800 in Richmond VA. Son of Thomas, died March 29, 1859. He married (1) Caroline Gilliat January 02, 1827, daughter of John Gilliat and Mary Kirton. She was born August 31, 1803 in Daughter of John Gilliat, and died April 28, 1832 in childbirth at Southhamton. He married (2) Mary A. Glazebrook July 20, 1837. She was born 1799, and died May 08, 1873. Children of Alfred Gilliat and Caroline Gilliat are: 4. i. ALFRED5 GILLIAT b May 14 1830 d June 14 1898 5. ii. CAROLINE EMMA GILLIAT b April 22 1832 d November 13 1888 Child of Alfred Gilliat and Mary Glazebrook is: 6. iii. MARY5 GILLIAT b December 15 1839 d 1872 3. John Henry4 Gilliat (Thomas3, William2, William1) born 1807 in Richmond Virginia, died 1873 in Virginia, married (1) Susan Harriet Schroeder November 23, 1831 in Trinity Church, Newport Rhode Island. She was born 1812 in Newport Rhode Island, died 1846 in Newport Rhode Island. He married (2) Helena Duncan Vinter April 24, 1862 in Rhode Island. Children of John Gilliat and Susan Schroeder are: 7. i. HENRY ALFRED5 GILLIAT 1833-1909 ii. SUSAN GILLIAT 1834-1899 iii. HENRIETTA GILLIAT 1836 -1840 8. iv. CHARLES CHEQUIERE GILLIAT 1835- 1910 v. WILLIAM GRAY GILLIAT 1838-1840 9. vi. REV. FRANCIS GILLIAT b July 12 1839 d 1900 10. vii. HENRIETTA MARIA GILLIAT 1841- 1912 viii. GRACE GILLIAT 1843-1922 ix. ELLA MAUDE GILLIAT 1845-1907 m CHARLES EDWARD JEPSON x. HOBART GILLIAT 1846-1909 Generation No. 3 4. Alfred5 Gilliat (Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born May 14, 1830, died June 14, 1898, married (1) Emma Lett Clowes February 24 1859 She died 1860, married (2) Ann Taddy Hatfield June 17 1862 daughter of Charles Hatfield and Maude Back. She died 1927. Child of Alfred Gilliat and Emma Clowes is: 11. i. ALFRED GORDON6 GILLIAT b November 18 1860 d 1936 Children of Alfred Gilliat and Ann Hatfield are: ii. CHARLES WARING PERCY6 GILLIAT b August 08 1863 iii. FREDRICK HATFIELD GILLIAT b January 16 1865 d 1920 Schoolmaster at Bishop's Stortford. iv. EDITH MARY GILLIAT b October 03 1866 m FREDERICK CHARDOS v. EMMA CAROLINE GILLIAT b February 14 1868 vi. CHARLES PERCY GILLIAT b 1868 vii. BEATRICE ANNIE GILLIAT b July 23 1869 viii. KATHERINE JESSIE GILLIAT b November 18 1871 m F C FELL ix. CONSTANCE MARION GILLIAT b November 07 1875 m CAPT TYRELL 5. Caroline Emma5 Gilliat (Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born April 22, 1832, died November 13 1888 married Warring Alexander Biddle Children of Caroline Gilliat and Warring Biddle are: i. WARING ALFRED ROLLES6 BIDDLE b June 25 1862 m EMMELINE MCCONCHIE ii. ALEXANDER ROSS BIDDLE b April 22 1864 iii. HORACE HENRY BIDDLE b December 11 1865 d 1873 iv. ELIZABETH CAROLINE MARY BIDDLE b February 06 1869 m GILBERT WALTER GRIFFITH August 1900 6. Mary5 Gilliat (Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born December 15 1839, died 1872 married Henry Fawcett June 20 1860 Children of Mary Gilliat and Henry Fawcett are: i. HENRY6 FAWCETT b March 1861 12. ii. MARY FLORENCE SOPHIA FAWCETT b April 1862 iii. CHARLES EDGAR FAWCETT b October 1863 iv. CLAUDE FAWCETT b 1865 7. Henry Alfred5 Gilliat (John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born 1833, died 1909, married Amy Robertson. She died 1886. Child of Henry Gilliat and Amy Robertson is: i. JOHN6 H, B. GILLIAT 1886-1957 m MARGRET G. CLARK 1875-1959 8. Charles Chequiere5 Gilliat (John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born 1835, died 1910, married Katherine L. Osborne. Child of Charles Gilliat and Katherine Osborne is: i. AMELIA O6 GILLIAT 1865-1939 9. Rev. Francis5 Gilliat (John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born July 12, 1839, died 1900, married Rachel Estella Hall 1863-1941 Children of Rev. Gilliat and Rachel Hall are: 13. i. JOHN HENRY6 GILLIAT 1884-1941 ii. ROBERT FULTON GILLIAT 1885-1914 14. iii. RUTH GERTRUDE GILLIAT b 1891 10. Henrietta Maria5 Gilliat (John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) 1841- 1912. She married Rev James CLark. Children of Henrietta Gilliat and Rev CLark are: i. ROBERT A. H.6 CLARK b 1871 ii. MARGRET GILLIAT CLARK b 1875 m JOHN H B GILLIAT b 1886 Son of Henry Alfred Gilliat d 1959 iii. JAMES G CLARK b 1877 iv. JOHN H CLARK b 1879 Generation No. 4 11. Alfred Gordon6 Gilliat (Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born November 18, 1860, died 1936, married Eliza Mary Stephan McDonald October 12, 1897. She was born 1873, died 1948. Children of Alfred Gilliat and Eliza McDonald are: 15. i. EDITH AGNES7 GILLIAT b October 23 1898 d February 03 1975 16. ii. ALFRED MCDONALD GILLIAT b January 24 1900 d March 10 1957 12. Mary Florence Sophia6 Fawcett (Mary5 Gilliat, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born April 1862, married Henry Murray. Child of Mary Fawcett and Henry Murray is: i. RUBY7 MURRAY b 1891 13. John Henry6 Gilliat (Rev. Francis5, John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) 1884-1941 married Annie Leurania Stoddart. 1888- 1977 Child of John Gilliat and Annie Stoddart is: 17. i. RENA JANE7 GILLIAT b 1920 14. Ruth Gertrude6 Gilliat (Rev. Francis5, John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born 1891, married Paul W Thompson 1930. He was born 1887, died 1980. Child of Ruth Gilliat and Paul Thompson is: i. ROBERT W7 THOMPSON b 1931 m BARBARA JEAN LIEBICH b 1934 Generation No. 5 15. Edith Agnes7 Gilliat (Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born October 23, 1898, died February 03, 1975, married Alfred Gray, born January 14, 1901, died November 1957. Children of Edith Gilliat and Alfred Gray are: i. EDITH MARY8 GRAY b June 14 1927 m ROLAND HASLETINE CALDWELL June 08 1957 b March 19 1927 ii. ELIZABETH ANNE GRAY b April 14 1927 m. JAMES AUBREY HUDSON b July 25 1930 d April 03 1983 18. iii. ALFRED GORDON GRAY b July 18 1930 16. Alfred McDonald7 Gilliat (Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born January 24, 1900, died March 10, 1957, married Harriet Elizabeth Sandidge. She was born May 26, 1911, died September 19, 1989. Children of Alfred Gilliat and Harriet Sandidge are: i. ALFRED MCDONALD8 GILLIAT b November 01 1942 19. ii. MARY ELIZABETH GILLIAT b May 15 1944 17. Rena Jane7 Gilliat (John Henry6, Rev. Francis5, John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born 1920, married Richard Emerson Fry. He was born 1919 Children of Rena Gilliat and Richard Fry are: i. RICHARD G8 FRY b 1946 m PATRICIA CAREY June 27 1987 New York City 20. ii. MARK J FRY b 1948 iii. KENNETH W FRY b 1950 m MARLENE SUE WALTON b 1950 Generation No. 6 18. Alfred Gordon8 Gray (Edith Agnes7 Gilliat, Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born July 18, 1930, married Elenita Margret Heye, born November 12, 1936 Children of Alfred Gray and Elenita Heye are: 21. i. ALFRED CARL9 GRAY b May 04 1958 22. ii. MARGRET ANN GRAY b May 05 1959 19. Mary Elizabeth8 Gilliat (Alfred McDonald7, Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born May 15, 1944, married James Edward Bridges August 12, 1967, born December 01, 1939. Children of Mary Gilliat and James Bridges are: 23. i. JAMES EDWARD9 BRIDGES b March 24 1968 ii. DAVID WAYNE BRIDGES b September 19 1975 m TRACIE WALLING CHENAULT Divorced 24. iii. ELIZABETH ANN BRIDGES b April 01 1977 20. Mark J8 Fry (Rena Jane7 Gilliat, John Henry6, Rev. Francis5, John Henry4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born 1948, married Hendrika Jacqueline Biismans 1977. She was born 1952 in Holland. Child of Mark Fry and Hendrika Biismans is: i. CHRISTOPHER PIETER9 FRY b September 24 1986 Generation No. 7 21. Alfred Carl9 Gray (Alfred Gordon8, Edith Agnes7 Gilliat, Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born May 04 1958, married Stacie Irene Lehner March 24, 1986. She was born 1958. Children of Alfred Gray and Stacie Lehner are: i. ALFRED JAMES10 GRAY b May 06 1988 ii. SCOTT GORDON GRAY b November 26 1991 22. Margret Ann9 Gray (Alfred Gordon8, Edith Agnes7 Gilliat, Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born May 05 1959, married Garry Lawrence Goff February 11, 1982. He was born April 07, 1958. Children of Margret Gray and Garry Goff are: i. ROBERT DOUGLAS10 GOFF b May 02 1985 ii. JOHN EARLE GOFF b July 25 1986 iii. DAVID RILEY GOFF b November 06 1989 iv. MICHAEL STEPHAN GOFF b September 16 1991 23. James Edward9 Bridges (Mary Elizabeth8 Gilliat, Alfred McDonald7, Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born March 24 1968, married Dana Marie Dvoracek, was born 1970. Children of James Bridges and Dana Dvoracek are: i. ANDREA RENAE10 BRIDGES b November 04 1999 ii. ERICA NIVCOLE BRIDGES b November 04 1999 iii. CHRISTINA MARIE BRIDGES b November 04 1999 24. Elizabeth Ann9 Bridges (Mary Elizabeth8 Gilliat, Alfred McDonald7, Alfred Gordon6, Alfred5, Alfred Gallego4, Thomas3, William2, William1) born April 01, 1977, married Bradley Dale Swaner in Divorced. Child of Elizabeth Bridges and Bradley Swaner is: i. BRADLEY ALLEN10 SWANER b October 10 1998 |
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